Atlanta Uber Jump Scooter Accident Lawyer

If you are injured in an Uber jump scooter accident, you may qualify for compensatory damages. Jump scooters are a convenient way of traveling brief distances within Atlanta. However, they come with a number of safety risks. The major problem with jump scooters is that they are often not maintained properly. This can lead to safety hazards and accidents. You should contact an Atlanta Uber jump scooter accident lawyer if you’re injured in a scooter accident. Here at The Weinstein Firm, we specialize in seeking damages for victims of jump scooter accidents.

The Uber jump scooter is a relatively recent phenomenon in Atlanta. Many lawyers simply do not know the state laws and regulations that apply to jump scooters. Others may know the laws but have no experience in handling such cases. At The Weinstein Firm, our personal injury attorneys have both knowledge and experience with jump scooter accident cases. To date, we have helped a number of victims obtain fair compensation for their injuries in such accidents. Most jump scooter accident claims are filed against Uber who is responsible for maintaining these scooters. Damages may cover your medical costs, lost wages as well as any other costs caused by the injury.

If you have suffered an injury because of an Uber jump scooter, call us to receive a risk-free consultation with our experts. We will answer all of your questions in a confidential setting, letting you know how much your case may be worth and how best to proceed.

What is Uber’s Jump Scooter Service?

Uber’s Jump scooter service lets you ride electric scooters over brief distances for a low cost. These scooters are stationed at specific locations as well as at random spots throughout the city. You can use your phone app to find one and then scan a QR code to kickstart the scooter. The scooters are charged by plugging them into electric power outlets. This makes them an eco-friendly alternative to conventional transportation models. Many Atlanta commuters and citizens use the e-scooters for the sheer ease and convenience they offer. However, the jump scooters come with their own road risks.

Uber launched the service back in 2018. Uber jump scooters are already seen all over Atlanta. Although these scooters travel at a modest pace, they share the road with other vehicles. This puts them at considerable risk. In 2019 alone, four e-scooter riders have died in fatal crashes across Atlanta.

The city authorities have imposed a number of regulations on how the jump scooters can be used in Atlanta. These include a recent ban on the nighttime use of the jump scooters.

Many jump scooter accidents are directly caused by the improper maintenance of the scooters. These include problems such as faulty brakes, tires and malfunctioning electric system. If your jump scooter accident is caused by a faulty e-scooter or the fault of another driver, we can help. Our Atlanta Uber jump scooter accident lawyer can file an accident claim for damages on your behalf and seek fair compensation.

Three Uber Jump scooters are shown on a street curb. An Atlanta Uber Jump scooter accident lawyer isnt afraid to take on Uber.
Uber’s Jump scooter provides cheap, eco-friendly transport, but with risks. Call The Weinstein Firm if you have been injured by one.

What to Do After an Uber Jump Scooter Accident?

An e-scooter accident can be a traumatic experience. You may suffer injuries and damage to your personal property. The good news is that you can recover compensation to cover the damage and loss. A good personal injury attorney will help you seek damages from Uber. However, you should follow these steps to improve your odds of getting fair compensation:

  • Get medical attention and care as soon as possible – If you don’t, the defense attorney may use it to claim that your injuries weren’t serious.
  • Gather evidence at the scene of the accident – This includes photographs of the scene, damage to the scooter and images of the injury. You may also note down the contact details of the witnesses. These witnesses may be later required to testify for your damages claim.
  • Contact an Uber jump scooter accident attorney – An attorney specializing in this area understands the typical causes and consequences of e-scooter accidents. Such an attorney is better positioned to help you prepare and file a damages claim.

What Are the Common Causes of Uber Jump Scooter Accidents?

Uber jump scooters are getting popular at many major cities across the United States. This includes Atlanta where the e-scooters have rapidly risen in popularity and usage. As a relatively recent mode of transportation, people are still getting used to the idea of these micromobility vehicles.

The drivers on the roads are still unclear on their rights and responsibilities towards Uber jump scooters. The pedestrians are not sure whether they should yield to scooters or not. Similarly, even the scooter riders are not fully aware of the risks of using e-scooters on major roads. Such lack of awareness is one of the leading causes of Uber jump scooter accidents.

Another major cause of e-scooter accidents is faulty equipment. Anyone can take up an e-scooter, ride it and then leave it anywhere. Some users even tend to throw down the e-scooter when they reach their destination. As the e-scooters are the property of Uber, riders tend to care little for its maintenance. Uber is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of these scooters.

This results in many Uber jump scooters being faulty. Common problems with e-scooters include broken brakes and flat tires. You may also experience problems with the electronic system of a scooter. Such problems make the e-scooter unpredictable and put riders at a major risk. Being unable to brake on a busy road can directly lead to a crash and serious injuries.

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Other common causes of Uber jump scooter accidents include:

Weather Conditions

Low visibility during rainy or foggy conditions can cause e-scooter accidents. E-scooters are typically used in urban areas where environmental conditions may also cause a haze in the air. This also results in low visibility and increased risk for the e-scooters.

Lack of Safety Measures

Riders aged below 16 are required to wear safety helmets when using an Uber jump scooter. Riders above 16 can also benefit from safety gear such as helmets and knee pads. The use of a helmet, in particular, is often crucial in preventing head injuries in e-scooter accidents.

Nighttime Use

Most of the e-scooter accidents and fatalities in Atlanta have happened during nighttime. One of the key reasons for this is the low visibility of e-scooters at night. A contributing cause to such accidents is the lack of reflective gear on the scooters or riders. Accidents involving pedestrians occur regularly in Atlanta, occasionally with serious damage being done.

Violation of Traffic Laws

Running a red light, not respecting the right of way or not taking precautions when switching lanes can cause accidents with cars. This is even truer for e-scooter riders who only enhance their own safety when following traffic laws.

Drunk Driving

As with other vehicles, riding an e-scooter while under the influence of alcohol is dangerous. It is also illegal in many states. Georgia does not have a clear law about DUI related to e-scooters. However, the existing laws can be interpreted to declare it illegal.

What are the common causes of uber jumper scooter accidents

Why Do I Need an Uber Jump Scooter Accident Attorney?

If you have suffered an Uber jump scooter accident, you can seek compensatory damages. However, filing a legal claim related to an e-scooter accident is fairly complicated. The local laws and regulations are still unclear on the subject. Moreover, you will need to prove evidence to back your claim.

It is possible to file a damages claim on your own. But you will have to face the top-paid lawyers of Uber who are likely to turn down your claim. This is where a qualified Atlanta Uber jump scooter accident lawyer can help you.

An attorney can help you meet various requirements when filing an e-scooter accident claim. You need to determine who the at-fault party is before you can file the claim. Your attorney can assist you by looking at the evidence and facts of the case. Once the at-fault party is determined, your attorney will file the claim on your behalf and negotiate the terms of a settlement.

Here at The Weinstein Firm, we work closely with you to seek the maximum amount of compensation. We understand that an injury in a scooter accident can be quite serious. The resulting medical bills lost wages, and other expenses can put you in a financial crunch. By helping you get fair compensation, we let you cope with the injury without worrying about your finances.

Four Uber Jump scooters are shown together on a street in Atlanta.
Taking on a company like Uber can be a daunting task. We are here for you! Call Today!

What Is Covered by an Uber Jump Scooter Accident Claim?

If you have been injured in an Uber jump scooter accident, you can seek damages to cover your losses. Damages include medical costs, lost wages, property damage, loss of earning capacity as well as compensation for pain and suffering. Here is a quick look at each type of compensation you can seek after an e-scooter accident:

Medical Costs

An e-scooter accident injury may range from mild to serious. You may have to visit the doctor, use prescription medicine as well as get long-term care and therapy. The costs for these quickly add up and put you under financial stress. You can claim damages to cover these costs in a scooter accident claim. If your claim is accepted, you are entitled to damages that cover all the medical costs.

Property Damage

During an Uber jump scooter accident, you may suffer damage to your personal belongings and property. These can include smartphones, tablets, and any other effects directly damaged in the accident. As per Atlanta tort law, you can seek damages to cover the repair or replacement of such damaged property.

Lost Wages

Depending on the severity of your injury, you may have to take time off your work. This time period might be a few days, weeks or even a few months in the case of a serious injury. You can seek compensation to cover the wages lost during this period when you can’t resume work.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering typically qualify as a non-economic type of damages. You can seek such damages for the physical and mental suffering caused by the injury.

When you file an Uber jump scooter accident claim, you can seek damages in lieu of all these areas. The insurance company or its lawyers will try their best to minimize the amount of compensation. This is why you will need a qualified Atlanta Uber Jump scooter accident lawyer to file and negotiate your claim. A qualified attorney will also seek to maximize the payout so that you can meet the expenses caused by the injury.

Contact an Atlanta Uber Jump Scooter Accident Lawyer at the Weinstein Firm Today

If you have been injured in an Uber jump scooter accident in Atlanta, make no delays. Contact a reputable Georgia law firm as soon as possible. The sooner you get legal help, the better are your odds of winning fair compensation.

Here at The Weinstein Firm, our attorneys have extensive experience in handling e-scooter accident cases. Since 2018, we have helped a large number of e-scooter accident victims get damages for their injuries. Our lawyers strive to maximize the payout for victims to help them meet the medical bills and other losses.

We also provide you with a general estimate of the worth of your claim. Once you hire us, we work with you to gather the evidence and create a well-researched claim. You can book a free consultation with our attorneys to discuss your case. Contact us today for a free one-on-one session with our Uber jump scooter attorneys.

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