A car accident has several consequences that those involved are probably not ready for. However, whether they are ready or not does not absolve them of any responsibility. It also doesn’t mean that they will not pay for the damages to the victim.
As a victim, the fact that you didn’t cause the accident doesn’t mean you’ll quickly get compensation. The fault party, defense attorney, auto insurance carrier, and insurance defense attorney will fight to show the driver was not at fault. They might also try to pin some of the blame on you to reduce the compensation you get.
So, it is evident that you need to do all you can to prove your claim. A fundamental way of doing this is using documentary evidence. This article covers the documents needed in a car accident case. You should contact our Morrow car accident lawyers at The Weinstein Firm if you suffer injuries in a crash you did not cause.
What Documents Do You Need in a Car Accident Claim?
When pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit, you should arm yourself with the documents mentioned below.
Police Record and Reports
In Morrow, Georgia, those involved in an accident must report to the police. The report can happen at the crash scene by dialing 911 or visiting the nearest police station soon after the accident. You can do the latter when the crash involves only property damage.
At the crash site, the responding police officer will make a report, including a preliminary ruling on who caused the occurrence. As more evidence emerges, they may modify or overturn the initial ruling. Either way, a police report is a crucial document to present when making a claim. It shows your innocence and the other party’s guilt.
Tickets/Citations Connected to the Accident
Depending on the facts, one or more drivers involved in a car accident may get ticketed. This happens when any of them drove impaired, were speeding, drove recklessly, or were distracted. Even if you didn’t cause the accident, the fault party’s attorney might use a speeding ticket against you. Thus, you should hand the ticket over to your Morrow auto accident lawyer, who’ll argue in your favor.
Copies or Photos of Your Auto Insurance Coverage
You might think that the presence or absence of your auto insurance policy shouldn’t matter as the victim. But you’re wrong. Remember that the fault party’s legal team is looking for ways to discredit you. So, suppose you claim that you paid for vehicle repairs and urgent medical bills from your insurance coverage. You need to provide proof that such a policy exists if you’ll get compensated for the money spent.
Recordings of Witness Statements, Pictures, and Videos
Usually, the police and parties in an accident collect witness statements. However, if your injuries prevented you from speaking to witnesses at the crash scene, you can request a copy from the investigating authority. This could be the police (including the sheriff’s office) or the Georgia State Patrol in Morrow.
If you could speak to witnesses yourself, and you recorded the conversation with their permission, hand them over to your attorney. You should do the same with pictures or any video evidence from the accident site. These three pieces of evidence will go a long way in helping you prove your claim.
Medical Bills and Treatment Record
You can’t claim you got treated for a spine injury and paid thousands of dollars without proof. For every injury you received treatment for and every dollar spent, you must show proof. Thus, present to your Morrow injury attorney receipts of medical bills and records of your treatment. Ensure your doctor notes every injury and its effect on your life post-treatment. If possible, get a report from a medical expert, who can also testify on your behalf during a hearing.
Out-of-Pocket Records
Aside from medical bills, vehicle repairs, and replacing damaged personal property, there are other expenses you can incur. They could be the amount spent going to a treatment center or hospital, especially if you had to go far. You can get back the money as long as you have receipts of these expenses.
Experienced Morrow Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You!
Even if you have evidence, you may still lose or get a low settlement if you don’t know how to use them properly. This is why you should work with the best car accident attorneys in Morrow, GA. At the Weinstein Firm, we offer premium legal service and get our clients the compensation they deserve. Call us today to schedule a free case review.