Most Common Pedestrian Injuries in a Clarkston, GA Accident

pedestrian accident

A pedestrian accident is no small matter. Traffic accidents are devastating for anyone, be it the driver, passenger, or pedestrian. However, pedestrians usually suffer the most in traffic accidents because they are without protection or protective gear when moving along the road. In addition, several things can cause pedestrian accidents. For instance, reckless driving, drunk driving, violation of traffic laws, and careless pedestrians can lead to pedestrian accidents.

This post will be highlighting six pedestrian accident injuries common on Clarkston roads. Additionally, you will be learning about the ways you can be safer while on the road. If you have been a victim of pedestrian accidents, you need to contact a pedestrian accident attorney. They would help you in filing a claim and getting justice.

Five Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Below are five of the most common injuries pedestrians can suffer from in a Clarkston road accident.

  • Soft Tissue Damage

Soft tissue damage encompasses injuries such as lacerations, bruises, tears, sprains, and dislocation. With little medical attention or care, soft tissue injuries are self-resolving. That is, they have a shorter healing time in comparison to other pedestrian accident injuries. But they leave victims with long-term problems like scars, which could affect their emotional well-being.

  • Broken or Fractured Bones

When physical force, stronger than the bone itself, is exerted, a bone fracture can occur. This injury is treatable but can cause lifelong medical problems for victims. A pedestrian’s bone could also break in the cause of an accident. Broken bones sometimes lead to amputation of the limb in severe cases.

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries 

A traumatic brain injury happens when an external force, such as a violent blow to the head, causes a dysfunction in the brain. The head is one part of the body human beings have to treat with care because it houses the brain.

Unfortunately, the head is usually more at risk in pedestrian accidents. Once the vehicle hits the pedestrian, they fall and often hit their head on the road or sidewalk. Symptoms of TBI include headaches, loss of consciousness, dizziness, mood swings, clear fluid leaking from the ear, etc.

  • Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injury also happens due to a sudden and traumatic blow. For example, if a pedestrian experiences a trauma that fractures or dislocates the vertebrae, they risk spinal cord injury. The spinal cord is the mechanism that transmits signals from the brain to the body and vice versa. So, any damage to this body part can be life-changing. It can result in paralysis, disability, and death.

  • Internal Bleeding or Blood Loss

Internal bleeding is bleeding that takes place inside the body. So when we talk about injuries that are not discovered at the accident scene but appear later on, we mean injuries like internal bleeding.

Internal bleeding usually happens in the chest cavity, stomach cavity, and muscles. Common symptoms of internal bleeding are weakness or numbness on one side of the body, tingling in your extremities, severe headaches, loss of coordination, etc. If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms after your accident, see a doctor immediately.

Tips to Stay Safe as a Pedestrian in Clarkston, GA

The famous saying prevention is better than cure comes into play when staying safe as a pedestrian. We are not saying you should avoid traffic all the time (this is not possible). Instead, we are saying that you should take extra precautions while on the road.

The following are some of the tips you can adopt to avoid pedestrian accidents in Clarkson:

  • Walk on sidewalks always. If there are no sidewalks, you should face traffic and be as far away from traffic as possible.
  • Follow the rules of the road at all times.
  • Be alert every time; avoid distractions from your mobile phones and other devices.
  • Be visible at all times, but especially at night. You can do this by wearing bright or reflective clothes.
  • When walking on the street, ensure you are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Be extra vigilant when crossing the street and high-traffic spots.

Contact a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer From The Weinstein Firm Today!

While you might decide to settle a pedestrian accident without involving a lawyer, it is in your best interest to get a lawyer on your case. At The Weinstein Firm, our pedestrian accident attorneys understand the ordeal you have gone through. Therefore, our main concern is to restore your peace of mind and protect your interests.

So, it would be best not to settle for anything less than the maximum compensation because that is what you deserve. However, in personal injury cases like pedestrian accidents, time is not on your side. So, contact us today, and we will jump right on your case to give you the best results.

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