After an accident, many motorcycle riders are faced with the difficulty of getting compensation for their damages. Insurance companies work hard to keep alive the myth that motorcyclists are reckless risk-takers and breakers of traffic laws to deny their claim. In this case, you can only trust an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer if you want to get fair compensation for your damages.
Here are the most important things an experienced attorney can do for you:
Find Evidence Proving the Car Driver’s Negligence
In Georgia, the right to file an accident claim is determined by the comparative negligence principle. Only the party who is less than 50% at fault has the right to seek damages.
One of the essential things a lawyer can do is find evidence showing that the other driver was 50% or more responsible for the crash. The sources of evidence are often unattainable by an injured person, recovering from motorbike crash injuries. They range from eyewitnesses who live in another city to CCTV camera footage from security cameras installed on buildings near the crash scene.
Evaluate Your Damages Correctly
Experienced motorcycle crash lawyers know how to evaluate both the economic and the non-economic damages. They will not leave out any expense or loss, either present or future, which you can legally include in your accident claim.
This can prove vital for accident victims who suffered catastrophic injuries and cannot return to work and need long-term medical care, rehabilitation or life care services.
When it comes to pain and suffering damages, an attorney knows how to reach a balance between what is fair compensation for you and what is acceptable, either during negotiations or in court. The lawyer’s goal is to ensure your family’s financial security and an adequate level of comfort and care for you.
Shield You from Unpleasant Interactions with an Insurance Adjuster
As we stated at the beginning of the article, insurance companies try to paint motorcyclists as reckless riders who only have themselves to blame for their accidents. Unfortunately, this attitude reflects in the way insurance adjusters talk to motorcycle accident victims.
They insist on misleading questions, which may determine you to admit fault or contradict yourself. They will aggressively insist that you have no legal grounds to file a claim. Some will go as far as threatening you with a lawsuit for insurance fraud.
You do not deserve such abusive behavior. This is why you should refuse talking to an adjuster before you consult with an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer.
You will notice a sudden change in the adjuster’s behavior and tone of voice, once you have an attorney by your side.
Negotiate with the Insurance Company
The most difficult part of any motorcycle accident claim is negotiating it with the insurance company. Their adjusters know the law and how to interpret it in the insurer’s interests. They strive to reduce the final payout as much as possible, by invoking any tiny argument they can.
An experienced lawyer knows how to counter the adjuster’s arguments with evidence. Moreover, the attorney may resort to presenting another scenario: that in which you sue their client and the insurance company must defend them in court.
Fight for Your Rights in Court
Although most accident claims are resolved through negotiations, there are tough cases when the insurer refuses to settle. A skilled lawyer is not afraid to pursue such cases in court, if they know that the available evidence is in your favor.
You can be assured that you will not have to accept a lowball offer from the insurers as the only option for compensation.
Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Lawyer!
At The Weinstein Firm you will find a team of attorneys who are truly dedicated to fighting for your right to obtain compensation. An Atlanta motorcycle accident attorney with in-depth knowledge of the law and extensive experience will analyze the facts of your case and give you a reliable legal opinion.
We will represent you on a contingency fee basis if you have a valid claim. Also, as a new client, we offer you a free case evaluation, so call us at 770-HELP-NOW!