The bicycle is an eco-friendly and affordable way of navigating the busy streets, but it also exposes cyclists to severe injuries if they are hit by a car. If you were injured in such an accident, an experienced Atlanta bicycle accident lawyer can help you get compensation from the at-fault driver.
However, you must also make sure that you follow all the rules so that you can file a claim successfully. These are the most important things to do after your bike crash:
1. Report the Accident to the Police
Many people believe that the legal obligation to report a traffic accident is limited to situations involving cars, motorcycles and trucks. Just because your bicycle does not have an engine, it does not mean that it is not a vehicle from a legal standpoint.
If the driver refuses to do so, call 9-1-1 or ask somebody around you to do it for you. Also, remain at the accident scene until the police arrive to investigate the accident.
2. Do Not Accept Money from the Car Driver
Many car drivers will offer you a sum of money to fix your bike and pay for emergency treatment at the nearest ER. They will even offer to drive you there. Do not accept any sum of money, because this may put an end to your claim. The driver may ask you to sign a paper or record you taking the money.
If you file the claim, the driver will provide these pieces of evidence to the insurer, and your claim will be denied. Now, you may wonder why not take the money and move on with your life?
The reason is that whatever the driver will offer you represents only a small fraction of the damages you are entitled to and which an attorney can win for you.
3. Seek Medical Attention Immediately
During the first moments after the crash, adrenaline starts pumping in your body, numbing pain. This makes you believe that you are fine, and got away with just a few scratches. In reality, you could have internal bleeding and other severe injuries.
Better err on the safe side and go to the nearest ER or hospital for a medical checkup and treatment. This decision may save your life and it is also essential for winning your bicycle accident claim.
If you cannot produce diagnostic tests performed a short time after the crash, the insurance adjuster will claim that you fell from your bike a few hours later and decided to blame their client for your injuries.
4. Get a Copy of the Accident Report
Before you talk to an Atlanta bicycle accident lawyer, you need to collect all the information you can. Starting with the photos and videos you took at the accident scene and ending with medical records and police report, these documents will help the attorney assess your claim.
You can purchase a copy of your police report easily from the portal for an affordable fee.
5. Do Not Talk with an Insurance Adjuster without a Lawyer
The car driver must report the accident to their insurance company. It will not take long before an insurance adjuster will get in touch with you asking you to give a recorded statement about the bike crash.
Do not agree to give a recorded statement, as any word you say will be used against you. As a general rule, do not talk to the adjuster and do not sign any document before consulting with an attorney. The adjuster will try to make you admit fault or contradict yourself so that they can deny your claim.
Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Atlanta Bicycle Accident Lawyer!
An experienced lawyer at The Weinstein Firm is your best ally after a bicycle accident. Using experience, knowledge of the law and the available evidence, an Atlanta car accident lawyer will help you obtain fair compensation for your damages.
We offer each new client a free case evaluation, so call us today at 770-HELP-NOW!