What Should You Do if You’re Hit by a Drunk Driver in Marietta?

learn what to do if you were hit by a drunk driver.

We’ve all heard horror stories about people who have been hit by a drunk driver. But, deep down, we never think it will happen to us. When our Marietta accident attorneys first meet with a drunk driving accident victim, they are understandably upset. Many of them aren’t sure what to do next.

This is where our accident lawyers in Marietta can step in and offer you some guidance.

You Need to Call 911 Immediately

The thing about drunk driving accidents is that they often happen late at night. The odds of another car stopping to help are low. This is why it’s critical that you call 911 immediately after the crash.

If you let too much time go by, even a few minutes, the other driver could take off. If they’re drinking and driving, the last thing they want is to have the police come. This is why it’s critical that you try to get as much information as possible in the minutes following the crash.

Ask the Police to Call an Ambulance to Take You to the Emergency Room

When the police officers come, they’ll check to see if anybody’s hurt. Even if you somehow escape with just minor injuries after being hit by a drunk driver, you need to go to the hospital. The doctors there will run the necessary diagnostic tests to see if you’re hurt.

Some of these tests include:

  • X-rays
  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound
  • Neurological examination
  • Physical examination

These tests should give the doctor a good idea of what injuries you’ve suffered. They’ll document all of their findings in your medical records.

What Happens if You Don’t Go to the Hospital?

If you decide, for whatever reason, not to go to the hospital, it can cause problems later on. Your Marietta accident attorney will need to prove your injuries. This is the only way you can collect damages.

If you don’t go to the hospital right away, one of two things can happen. First, the defendant’s lawyer will say something other than the drunk driver caused your injuries.

Second, your accident lawyer in Marietta won’t have a way of proving your injuries.

Take a Picture of the Other Driver’s Vehicle and License Plate

If your injuries aren’t life-threatening, you should try to take pictures of the other vehicle with your cell phone. Even if the drunk driver somehow gets back into their car or takes off, this will provide your Marietta accident attorney with identification information.

You should also try to take pictures of the accident scene. This can prove useful for your attorney later.

If your injuries are too serious for you to do this, you can ask a passenger to take pictures for you. Otherwise, just wait for the cops to come and let them do their own investigation.

a drunk driving accident can cause severe injuries.

Record the Other Driver Stumbling, Slurring Their Words, or Drinking an Alcoholic Beverage

If the other driver does get out of the car, see if you can take a video on your phone. If you can get them on tape stumbling or behaving like they’re under the influence, this can help your case.

There is a chance that the police officers won’t have the defendant take a breathalyzer test. Or they may come in right under the legal limit. Your Marietta accident attorney will want this recording to prove that the defendant was negligent.

Do You Know the Signs That Someone Is Driving Under the Influence?

If you think the other driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, there are a few signs you can look for. These are the same signs a police officer will look for when they pull someone over on suspicion of drunk driving.

Some of the things you’ll want to keep an eye out for include the following:

  • The other driver was weaving in and out of traffic prior to the crash.
  • You see the other driver throw beer bottles or beer cans out the window immediately after the crash.
  • The other driver talks to you and you can smell alcohol on their breath.
  • You smell marijuana on the other driver and on his/her clothes.
  • The defendant was slurring their words when they talked to you about the accident.

These are the things you will want to catch on tape. If that isn’t possible, just make a mental note of what you observed.

Get a Copy of the Police Report for Your Marietta Accident Attorney

When the police officers are done with their investigation, they may arrest the other driver. There’s always the chance that this won’t happen. If the defendant blew less than the legal limit of 0.08, they may only cite them for reckless driving.

Either way, the officers’ findings will be included in their police report. Your accident lawyer in Marietta will need this report. Try to get a copy of it before you meet with your attorney for the first time.

Your Marietta Accident Attorney Will Get a Copy of the Other Driver’s DUI Arrest Records

Once the accident scene has been cleared, you will either go home or spend the night in the hospital. Once you’ve had a few days to let things settle, call one of our Marietta accident attorneys.

They can reach out to the police officers and get a copy of the arrest record. Depending on how long it is before the defendant’s first appearance, you may also be able to get a copy of their conviction or plea deal. This will go a long way toward proving fault.

Don’t Wait Too Long to Contact an Experienced Marietta Accident Attorney

If you’re injured by a drunk driver, you’ll likely suffer very serious injuries. The person who hit you needs to be held accountable. Sometimes, the best way to make sure that happens is to talk to a Marietta car accident lawyer.

Nobody should ever get behind the wheel after they’ve been drinking. Unfortunately, it happens every day. Some people simply don’t think about the consequences of their actions. That doesn’t mean you should suffer alone.

Call The Weinstein Firm today and schedule your free, initial consultation. Sit down with one of our experienced accident lawyers in Marietta. We’ll review whatever information you have and let you know what your options are.

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