Hit and Run Accident Lawyer Near Johns Creek

We have all heard the story before. Someone sideswipes a car or even rear-ends them, only to speed around the driver they’ve injured and continue on their way. Not only are hit and run accidents morally reprehensible, but they are illegal, as well. It can be devastating for the injured victims because they are likely at a loss of how they can hold the negligent driver responsible for their actions. If you have been a victim of a hit and run accident, you must speak to a hit and run accident lawyer near Johns Creek, Georgia immediately.

Under the traffic laws enforced in Johns Creek, Georgia, you are entitled to recovery even if you do not know the identity of the hit and run driver. Therefore, the law is on your side, and that is why victims of hit and run accidents should not hesitate in contacting a Georgia hit and run accident lawyer.

Filing a lawsuit for a hit and run accident can prove difficult for Georgia lawyers. This is because the identity of the offending driver is not known, so there is no way to file a claim with their insurance company. Luckily, insurance coverage in Georgia will often cover the cost if drivers run from the accident scene. In addition, if there are any witnesses to your accident or if you can recall even a portion of their license plate number, then a car accident lawyer serving Johns Creek could help you identify the driver so that you can seek justice and hold them accountable for your vehicle damage, personal injuries, and pain and suffering.

How Can a Georgia Hit And Run Accident Attorney Help My Case?

First of all, “hit and run” is construed as the action of fleeing the scene of the accident by any of the drivers involved in the crash, regardless of who was at fault. Typically, drivers who either have insufficient insurance coverage or have been driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs will leave the scene. There are also others who just panic and don’t know how to handle the situation. They run off without thinking of the long-term consequences. Talk to your hit and run driver how you can make the other driver pay for his crime.

In all states in the US, without exception, the parties involved in a collision are required to remain at the scene of the accident. This is regardless of who was negligent or who was at fault. The law requires you to stay at the scene of the accident, especially if someone has been injured or there is significant property damage to either vehicle. Any car accident lawyer would tell you that the worst thing that you could do for yourself is to flee the scene, as this could result in serious penalties for you if you are found.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. When a driver hits a parked car or unattended property, that is not considered a hit and run if the driver left a note with their contact details and their insurance company name and telephone number at the scene. This note has to be visible to the other person when returning to the scene. You can find out more information about this particular rule by speaking to a hit and run accident lawyer near Johns Creek, Georgia.

Is a Hit and Run a Felony? Ask a Hit and Run Accident Attorney

With the exception of a few states, hit and run is considered a felony, even more so when the accident led to the serious physical injury of the people in the other car or even their death. Apart from that, any hit and run accident attorney practicing in Johns Creek, Georgia would tell you that if the accident did not result in death or serious injury, hit and runs leading to property damage are only regarded as misdemeanors. The verdict is dependent on the seriousness of the damage caused by the hit and run accident. Talk to your personal injury lawyers about this particular issue.

Possible Penalties for Hit and Runs According to Hit and Run Accident Lawyers

When it comes to punishments and potential recovery for hit and runs in Georgia, any hit and run accident lawyer dealing with a run-off from the wreck scene, depending on the gravity of the case, should aim for either attaining a final court order that establishes either a hefty fine for the driver at fault, driver’s license suspension or even imprisonment of that driver.

Sadly enough, these kinds of accidents take place daily in Georgia, which is why hit and run accident attorneys do their utmost to indemnify the harmed party against any injury caused to them or their property. You can find out how this works by speaking to your hit and run accident attorney.

It is the job of the hit and run accident attorney to gather all the insurance information that you have available, examine all the facts, and ensure that you are fully compensated for your damage. This is important since you don’t know the identity of the driver who hit you and you have no way of filing a claim with their specific insurance company. That is probably why hit and run cases are so difficult for hit and run accident lawyers. But since they know the law and they understand the system, hit and run accident lawyers can help you recover compensation for the damages that you’ve incurred.

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident in Johns Creek, GA

If you were in a hit and run and the driver who hit you fled the scene, here are a few things you can do:

  • Park or stop your car in a safe place. Stay off the road. Don’t panic.
  • Do your utmost to record any information you can regarding the car that struck you (i.e., license plate number, description of the vehicle, date, time and conditions of the incident). This information will prove valuable to both the police and your hit and run accident lawyers.
  • Call 911 immediately and report the accident to the police. This is required by the law. If you’re worried you’ll get in trouble with the authorities, think again. If you don’t report, you may be in even bigger trouble. If you make the call, your hit and run accident lawyer will be able to use that to prove your case.
  • If you have suffered any injuries, seek medical care immediately. Make sure you don’t leave your vehicle until help arrives. Do not, under any circumstances, run. There is no difference between you or the other driver if you panic and run as well. A hit and run accident driver can tell you more about this.
  • If you’re not injured, count yourself lucky. Look around for witnesses and get their names and contact details. In hit and run situations, witnesses play a vital role, especially if the negligent driver gets away. You will need to provide this information to your hit and run accident lawyer so that they can help you get justice.
  • Take photos of the scene of the accident. If you’re not able to do it on your own, ask a witness or the law enforcement officer to do it for you. This information will be critical to establishing your case. That is why you should try to get as many images as you can and provide this information to your hit and run accident lawyer.
  • Talk to your insurance company. Hit and run accidents are unfortunate, but insurance companies have significant experience dealing with such cases. Don’t give too much information to the insurance company, however. Your goal is to let them know that the accident happened. The only person you should be talking to in great detail is your Georgia hit and run accident attorney. The information you provide to your hit and run accident attorneys can play a crucial role in the amount of compensation you receive.
  • Make sure you provide your hit and run accident attorney with a complete account of all the damages you’ve incurred. The point of hiring hit and run accident attorneys is to ensure that you are able to recover your financial losses. That is why you need to be honest, and upfront with your hit and run accident lawyer so that your case comes across as legitimate and honest.

If you are a victim of a hit and run car wreck, do not let the time pass. Don’t think that you can handle it all on your own or you can try to ‘sort it out’ yourself. It is very difficult. In most cases, hesitation to talk to a specialized hit and run accident lawyer prevents you from getting all the compensation you can receive. Remember, a hit and run is a crime. A serious one if there are severe injuries or death. You want to make sure justice is served, and the driver who was at-fault is made to pay for their actions.

Contact a Hit and Run Accident Lawyer Near Johns Creek

Hitting a car and then fleeing from the scene is the lowest form of cowardice. The law in Georgia offers significant protection for those who are victims of a hit and run accident. Talk to your hit and run accident lawyer to find out about your rights in such a situation.

The Weinstein Firm has a team of hit and run accident attorneys who cater especially to clients that have been in a hit and run accident in or around Johns Creek, Georgia. Our hit and run accident attorneys realize that this type of experience can change a person for life, especially if the bodily injury and/or property damage was pretty significant.

Keep in mind that every driver in Georgia is legally obligated to report an accident if there is property damage or if the victims of the accident have sustained serious injuries or if there are any fatalities. A driver in Georgia is also expected to demonstrate basic moral and ethical behavior. This means that they must provide assistance to anyone who might have suffered injuries at the scene. The ethical obligation, in this case, is to call an ambulance and make sure those who have been injured get medical attention. If somebody fails to demonstrate this basic responsibility, they need to be punished. Our hit and run accident attorneys are aware that it can be very frustrating for victims of a hit and run to wonder if the person who hurt them would ever be held accountable.

While there is no guarantee that a hit and run driver will be caught and brought to justice, our hit and run accident lawyer will still make sure that you get the support you need to deal with your injuries and your financial expenditures. Delays in reporting the accident can often result in long-term physical damage. For example, a person hits your car and flees the scene. You are injured and do not have the ability to make the call for help. When somebody finally finds you, it might be possible that some of your injuries may have caused serious internal damage. In this case, you may have to face long-term consequences simply because one particular driver was not brave enough to stand up and help you.

Let us help you find some support. Let us help you get justice. Our hit and run attorneys will try their best to filter through all the information you provide so that they help trace the driver and bring him to justice. The information you provide will help them build a strong case on your behalf. It will also help them present all the evidence to the court so that the judge can see your injuries, determine whether the damages you claim are legitimate and how the driver who was responsible for the injuries is made to pay for what he did. If he is not caught, you are still entitled to receive compensation since you are likely to incur large medical bills. Some victims may suffer a long-term injury and will require long-term treatment. All these things cost money.

You deserve some support and help, and our hit and run accident lawyers are here for you. Call The Weinstein Firm today, and our lawyers will provide you with the reliable legal representation you deserve.

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