Key Considerations to Remember Following an Auto Accident in Georgia

Georgia Car Accident Lawyer

An automobile accident can deal your life a serious blow that can impair your regular smooth mental process. This can make it especially difficult to remember the legalities that apply to your immediate situation and what you must do to prepare yourself for an impending auto accident claim. In our post today we will cover some of the most important actions to take in the wake of an auto accident. Review this well because after an auto accident it can be difficult to know exactly what to do. One of the first things you can do is contact a trusted auto accident attorney in Atlanta.

You Are Required by Law to Report Most Georgia Auto Accidents

Not all, but any accident in which someone was injured or killed as well as accidents resulting in over $500 in damages must be reported to the police. Then, all parties must remain at the scene of the accident until the police arrive, finish their work and let everyone know they can leave.

The only exception to be aware of is if you have been injured and need medical attention. In this case, an ambulance will take you from the accident scene to the hospital. However if your injuries do not require hospitalization, or if you have not been injured, you must remain where you are and exchange all necessary contact and insurance information with the others involved.

You May Be Legally Required to Move the Vehicles to Safety

In most cases, it will be necessary to remove your vehicle to a safe position after the auto accident. The only exceptions to this rule involve situations where it would not be safe or even possible to do this. If you have sustained injuries, you will also not be required to do this.

Furthermore, if you see that others have been injured it would be permissible to help them move to safety first. If a driver has been seriously injured, or someone has been killed, it is also not necessary to remove their vehicle. Passengers riding in the vehicle who do not have driver’s licenses are also not responsible to move vehicles.

There will be cases where it is not possible to move the vehicle out of the path of oncoming traffic, in this case, it is important to turn on the hazard lights and take measures to alert oncoming motorists of the dangers ahead, thus preventing further accidents.

You Are Legally Required to Provide Your Auto Insurance Information

The law requires all motorists to exchange their information after an auto accident. Police officers arriving on the scene will ensure that this has been done. The information you are required to exchange is the contact information of the vehicle’s owner (this may or may not be the current driver), the license of the vehicle as well as the name of the insurance provider. Those that do not provide this information run the risk of facing additional consequences.

It Is Important to Notify Your Own Insurance Company of Any Accidents

While it is not required by law, it’s important to contact your insurance providers and notify them of the accident. This requirement is actually in the insurance policy contract you signed when you purchased your policy from the insurance providers. Failing to complete this important task will result in violating your contract and this can disrupt your insurance policy.

It Is Important to Gather Evidence At the Scene of the Accident

It is also not a legal requirement to gather information and evidence at the scene of the accident. There are experts from the police department that are assigned to investigate this so you have no responsibility to handle investigations. On the other hand, it would not only be wise but very important to your interests to gather as much evidence for yourself as you can. Soon it will be time to provide evidence for damages and liability to your insurance company and the evidence gathered here will make all the difference in the world.

Take pictures of the accident and the cars involved. Make sure you get some wide shots to show their position and some close-ups of damages. Also, take pictures of relevant traffic signals in the area, injuries sustained and property damage too. Then you should take notes about what you remember while the ordeal is still fresh in your memory. Finally, be sure to get the contact information of any eyewitnesses is also helpful in establishing a clear representation of the occurrence.

It Is Important to Watch What You Say and Do After the Accident

Of course, it is perfectly legal to speak and behave however you like so long as you are not adversely affecting anyone else. Nevertheless, if you are not careful about the things you say or the ways you behave in the aftermath of an accident, you could potentially harm your case. This means you should not say or do anything that indicates who was at fault for the accident. Don’t admit that you were to blame, but don’t go making any accusations either. The police will arrive and ask for a statement, but you don’t have to say anything that you are not absolutely sure of. You may be contacted by the insurance providers of the other driver. You do not have to speak with them either, you could offer a prepared and recorded statement informing them of your intentions to speak with a lawyer.

Being careful about what you say and do also applies to any comments or pictures you choose to upload to the internet on social media platforms, emails, text messages or other mediums. Even though this is not likely to become a criminal case, consider that the rule of everything you say being used against you in a court of law’ still applies here. The things you say and do will be used you when you try to establish liability and request compensation for damages.

It is Important to Contact an Auto Accident Attorney Right Away

There is no legal obligation to seek representation from a Georgia personal injury law firm when making claims for damages, but there are some important advantages to doing so. Contact our experienced lawyers can provide you with a free consultation and assessment of your case as well as proving liability and getting full compensation.

An experienced attorney adds value to the case, often as much three times the compensation available to those who attempt to recover without the help of the attorney. A reputable auto accident attorney in Atlanta, GA will usually work on the contingency plan. This means that they will not charge you for their services unless they have recovered the full compensation you deserve.

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