5 Mistakes People Make After a Car Accident

car accident

If you’ve ever been involved in a car accident, you know how easy it is to forget everything you’ve ever heard about how to react. Your first concern is to just make sure everyone is okay. That should be your priority. Then you intend to call the cops but, like a lot of people, talk to the other driver first. They may suggest that you work it out between you and not bother the police. You’re probably tempted to agree. This could be a terrible mistake.

There are a few mistakes people make immediately after a car accident. These mistakes may seem minor. However, they can make the difference between winning your car accident lawsuit or walking away with nothing. By not doing the things discussed here you will make your Roswell accident lawyer’s job a lot harder than it has to be. If you aren’t sure of what to do after your crash, call our office and talk to an experienced Roswell accident lawyer.

They Fail to Call the Cops

As mentioned above, one of the biggest mistakes you could make is by not calling 911 after a car accident. It’s really important that you call the cops as soon as possible after your crash. When the cops come to the scene, they’ll do a thorough investigation of the accident scene. They’re going to put all of their information into a police report. Your Roswell accident lawyer needs to use this report to prove fault. Without it, it will be your word against the word of the other driver.

They Refuse to Go to the Hospital

Nobody wants to go to the hospital, even after a car accident. The problem is that you have no way to know if you’re hurt. In the emergency room, they’ll run the necessary tests to see if you’ve sustained any injuries. When you meet with your Roswell accident, you should bring a copy of the police report.

It has valuable information that’ll help your Roswell accident lawyer demonstrate that you were injured. If you don’t go to the hospital, the defendant’s attorney will say something other than the crash caused your injuries. They may even claim that you had a pre-existing condition and that you weren’t hurt at all.

They Don’t Call a Roswell Car Accident Lawyer Right Away

A lot of people don’t see the point in calling an attorney for a minor crash. The truth is that, until you’ve seen a doctor, you have no idea how serious your injuries are. You could also learn that your vehicle is totaled. Either way, your claim could be sizeable. If the insurance company refuses to pay your claim, you’re going to want to have a skilled Roswell accident lawyer by your side.

They Trust the Other Driver When They Promise to Pay for Repairs

Roswell accident lawyers meet with accident victims all the time who didn’t think they had to report their crash. They tell their attorney that the other driver promised to pay for any repairs. They even gave you a phone number and email address. It isn’t until you get home that you find out the information they gave you was fake.

Without a police report, you’ll have no idea how to track down the other driver. Your Roswell accident lawyer will have to do unnecessary work to track down the vital information that would’ve been on the police report.

They Post About their Accident on Social Media

More than 80% of the people in the U.S. have a social media account. It’s as if people can’t go an hour without looking at their cell phone or handheld device. That’s why your Roswell accident lawyer understands why you’d be tempted to post about your crash on social media.

The problem with this is that anybody can access your social media. Once you post a picture or video of the crash, people will start commenting within seconds. If any of them say something negative about you or your driving skills, it can be used against you in court. It’s best to stay away from social media until your case is resolved.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Roswell Accident Lawyer

The first thing you should do is call an experienced Roswell accident lawyer. They’ll be involved from the start to ensure that your insurance claim is handled properly. Call and schedule your free, initial consultation. This way, you don’t have to pay anything upfront and you can ask a skilled attorney any questions you may have.

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