Bike Accident Lawyer Near Johns Creek

Riding a bike is a favored pastime and mode of transportation for residents of Johns Creek, GA. Some people bike for fun, others use the bike to exercise, and there are many who bike to work. While there is no doubt that riding a bike is a healthy and popular activity, the fact is that with road congestion increasing daily, cyclists often end up getting hurt in biking accidents. If you are a bike accident victim, you should consult a bike accident lawyer near Johns Creek as soon as possible.

The problem is that drivers of other vehicles rarely give cyclists the right of way. Some are so careless in their driving that they do not even acknowledge cyclists around them. That is why biking accidents are now becoming increasingly common. If you feel that another driver was negligent and caused the accident, you need to speak to a personal injury firm serving Johns Creek today.

Each year, there are hundreds of bike accidents in and around the city. Many of these accidents not only involve adults but children. Unfortunately, when a bike accident occurs with a motor vehicle, there is little protection for the cyclist. That is why serious injuries are normal for cyclists who are in a bike accident. In many cases, cyclists are thrown onto the ground or pavement after impact with a car or truck. Worse yet, they are thrown into harm’s way in the middle of traffic.

Georgia bike accident lawyers can explain what your rights are in such a situation and whether you can file a compensation claim for any injuries you may have sustained in a bike accident. If you were in a bike accident and suffered serious injuries, do not hesitate to call a bike accident attorney so that you can get compensation for the losses you have incurred due to the wreck.

Discuss Common Types of Bike Accident Injuries with a Georgia Bike Wreck Lawyer

Some of the most common types of bike accident injuries include broken bones, head trauma, fractured ribs, lacerations, spine injury, and even death. Cyclists need to be aware of larger vehicles around them and should take measures to protect themselves, especially because road congestion continues to be a big problem in most major cities in the country. In addition, those who have suffered from any of these injuries should talk to bike accident lawyers immediately. A Georgia bike wreck lawyer will be able to tell you whether your injuries are serious enough to file a claim, and if so, what possible compensation you may be able to get from the legal system. Speak to a bike accident attorney today to find out where you stand.

Common Bike Accident Causes

There are different types of bike accidents which include:

Collisions at the street turn.

One of the most common scenarios that involve cyclists and cars are accidents that occur at street corners. This can happen when a cyclist approaches an intersection and has the right of way. Another car pulls up in front of you and proceeds to make a right turn and hits you on the side. These accidents usually are serious and often result in crush injuries. A Georgia bike wreck lawyer will be able to explain how you can seek compensation for this type of injury. The best way to avoid these types of bike accidents is to first increase your visibility by dressing up in bright-colored clothes or by installing a headlight on your bike. It is also recommended that you always pay attention to the traffic around you and give way to larger vehicles. This will save you from any unnecessary injury. If you are a victim of a bike collision at a street turn, speak to a car accident lawyer serving Johns Creek today.

Door collisions:

This is perhaps the most common type of bike accident in Johns Creek, GA. For example, you are cycling on the street, and suddenly the driver or their passenger opens the door. You are approaching your bike, and the door hits you, resulting in a collision. These injuries almost always lead to abrasions, lacerations, and bruising. The best way to avoid such bike accidents is always to anticipate that the car driver or passenger will open the door and ride a safe distance away from the car. If you were injured due to a door collision while you were on a bike, you should consult a bike accident lawyer as soon as you possibly can.

Head-on collision:

When certain Georgia cyclists ignore the rules of the road, they increase their risk of being in a head-on collision. A head-on collision with a car can lead to head and spinal injuries, some of which can be fatal. If you are a victim of a head-on collision, talk to a bike wreck lawyer. The best way to avoid these accidents is to obey traffic rules. Any cyclist who has been seriously injured in such an accident should consult a bike accident lawyer for a consultation.

Red light collisions:

Bike accidents often occur at red lights. In general, cars come to a halt at red lights, but cyclists tend to think that red light signals do not apply to them. Consequently, they go through traffic lights without a care in the world, and this carelessness often results in a bike accident. Cyclists either get hit by a car, or they collide with pedestrians. The best way to avoid red light collisions is to obey traffic rules, but if you have been in an accident and you need to file for compensation, speak to a bike accident lawyer today.

Rear-end collisions:

Some cyclists tend to tailgate cars or ride fast down city roads. Thus, when a car suddenly stops, this leads to a rear-end collision. There are also cases where the cyclist is struck from behind by a vehicle. This can happen if a cyclist is not visible to the driver of that vehicle. The best way to prevent rear-end collisions is to pay attention to traffic, keep a safe distance from other vehicles and wear bright-colored clothing. It is also recommended that you follow safe driving practices. If you have been hurt in a rear-end collision, consult a Georgia personal injury lawyer to find out how you can get compensation for your injuries.

Turns at Intersections:

One of the most commonly reported causes of bike accidents is when cars turn at intersections. There are still many drivers on the roads today that do not give signals when making a right turn. A cyclist in the right lane can easily be crushed by the car if this happens. Avoid this situation by being vigilant when riding your bike so that you can anticipate when a car will make a turn. It is also recommended that you always slow down at intersections and give the cars the right of way. Being aggressive on the road and trying to beat a car before it turns is usually a no-win situation for cyclists. Speak to a bike accident lawyer for more information.

Aggressive drivers:

There are some motor vehicle drivers who simply do not like cyclists on the road. These drivers are especially careless around cyclists and have no issue if they make it dangerous for them to share the road with those in cars or trucks. While this is something that a cyclist cannot control, it is possible to be more aware of the type of people driving on the road. If you are an observant rider, you will be able to spot such an aggressive driver from afar and can avoid cycling too close to them. Keep in mind that there is no point in taking up a road challenge with an aggressive driver. You may end up hurting yourself. If a mean or aggressive driver hit you and you suffered injuries, talk to a bike accident lawyer immediately.

Speak with a Bike Wreck Lawyer Near john Creek About A Settlement

If you have been in a bike accident, the type of settlement you are able to receive usually depends on the cause of the wreck, the level of fault, and the injuries. A bike wreck lawyer can provide you with detailed information in this regard. While fault is fairly difficult to determine in a bike accident as compared to a car accident, the good thing is that if the fault is clearly evident, a bike accident victim can get compensated for their injuries. Keep in mind that many motor vehicle drivers try to settle bike accident cases before they are reported to the authorities or before they go to trial. If this type of offer has been made to you, do not accept anything before speaking to a bike accident lawyer near Johns Creek, Georgia. Let your bike accident lawyer handle your case so that they can demand the right settlement for you.

Discuss Liability in Bike Accidents

Remember when you bike, you yourself need to take the necessary steps to avoid accidents. The onus is not only on the other motor vehicle drivers but also on the cyclists. Some cyclists seem to think that the rules of the road do not apply to them, but when an accident happens, they are often found to be at fault. This can prove to be a costly affair as you will have to pay for any damages, medical bills for any injuries and lost wages. That is why it is important to speak to a bike accident lawyer about damages and who could be considered liable in your situation.

The one area where bicyclists tend to always lose out on the settlement is if they failed to stop. ‘Almost stopping’ at a red light or an intersection is not good enough in the eyes of the law. Any bike accident attorney will tell you that if you are careless and if you break the law, your chances of winning a good settlement are fairly low.

However, if you were not at fault and if you had not broken any traffic regulation, your chances of getting compensation for the injuries that you have incurred are much higher. Talk to a Georgia bike accident lawyer today to find out where you stand and whether your case is strong.

Seek Legal Counsel with Bike Accident Lawyers Near Johns Creek, GA

Unfortunately, since their vehicle is not as big or as strong as a car, a truck or even a motorcycle, cyclists appear less visible to motor vehicle drivers. As such, cyclists often find themselves being blamed for any accident that occurs. This is completely unfair, we agree, but since this is the reality, it is important for cyclists to be more careful when they are on the roads. If you have been in a bike accident and a car or truck hit you, you should speak to a bike accident lawyer immediately.

At The Weinstein Firm, our bike accident lawyer is here to assist you and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. If you were injured, call us today and speak to our bike accident attorney. It is our commitment to provide every client with the best possible legal representation, and that is why when you consult our bike wreck lawyer, you can be confident that they will fight for your rights.

Bike accidents that are serious can cause severe injuries. These serious injuries can sometimes result in exorbitant medical bills, long-term rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and significant emotional stress and trauma. Discuss the specific details of your case and your particular experience and situation with your bike accident attorney. We are here to offer guidance and support, as well as legal counsel, based specifically on your case. Our bike accident lawyers have dealt with numerous bike accident cases. They know how these cases play out and they also know how other drivers and their insurance companies try to pay off cyclists so that their financial exposure is minimized.

Don’t let other people take advantage of your situation. Let our bike accident attorney handle the specifics of your case. We will fight for you, and we will ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Call our personal injury attorneys near Johns Creek and discuss your case today.

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