Fayetteville Uber Accident Lawyer

Ridesharing is one of the fastest-growing transportation services in the U.S. Uber and Lyft, the two leading ridesharing companies both offer their services in Fayetteville, GA. Uber and Lyft provide riders the option of getting to their destination by using a service that is quick, easily accessible, and affordable. But like any other motor vehicle, Uber and Lyft vehicles are also at risk of accidents.

If you live in Georiga, and if you were in an Uber or Lyft accident, you need to speak to an Uber accident lawyer near Fayetteville today. Lyft accident lawyers are aware of how ridesharing works and how riders could potentially get compensation for any damages they may have incurred while riding an Uber or a Lyft. You should speak to our personal injury firm near Fayetteville for more information in this regard.

Discuss Transportation Network Companies with a Lyft Accident Attorney

Companies like Uber and Lyft may offer transportation services, but they do not consider themselves as a taxi company. That is why, for all official purposes, companies like Uber and Lyft fall in the category of “Transportation Network Companies” (TNC). If you happen to be involved in a ridesharing accident, your Uber accident lawyer will have to handle your case according to the regulations that govern TNCs and not traditional taxi companies. Lyft accident lawyers will know how the system works and will be able to guide you in the right direction. A Lyft accident attorney will also be able to represent your rights when needed.

The fact is that Uber and Lyft were initially not comfortable with this categorization either. As far as Uber is concerned, it is a software provider as Uber’s ride-sharing protocol works through software. This is how it works. The Uber/Lyft rider downloads the Uber/Lyft app on their mobile device. When they need a ride, they sign into their account, select the point where they need to be picked up and put in the destination where they wish to go. Once this request is made, the Uber/Lyft driver is notified that a request is made. The driver nearest to the pick-up location responds to the rider’s request and informs them that they are on their way. From both sides, software in the driver’s car and the app on the rider’s phone are the only two methods used to communicate. The rider has to pay the fare in advance through the ap. When the driver arrives, the rider can simply get into the Uber vehicle and is then taken to their drop-off location. There is no exchange of any money during the ride. The system is fairly simple and convenient to use. However, Uber and Lyft cars have been known to get into accidents. If you were in an Uber-related accident, speak to a personal injury attorney today. A Lyft accident attorney will know how the system works and will be able to help you get the justice you deserve.

Discuss the Causes of Uber/Lyft Accidents with a Lyft Accident Attorney

Uber and Lyft cars are no different from other cars on the road. However, there are certain factors that increase the risk of Uber cars getting into automobile accidents in Georgia. Some common causes that result in Uber-related accidents include:

  • First, Uber and Lyft drivers are providing a service. They are doing so to make money. The more passengers they can get in a day, the more money they will make. This could result in speeding and reckless driving. Ideally speaking, Uber drivers would be expected to demonstrate responsible driving behavior, but there can be cases where the drivers want to get more passengers. To achieve this, they may resort to speeding which could in turn cause accidents. If you were hurt in an Uber-related accident where speeding was a factor, you should speak to an Uber accident attorney today.
  • Second, the entire process of getting a rider as far as Uber and Lyft services are concerned is through software that the driver has installed in their car. We already know that mobile devices and similar technological tools can be distracting while one is driving. But Uber drivers constantly have to be vigilant for any incoming requests. This can be distracting, and this can result in accidents. Speak to an Uber accident lawyer if you were in an Uber accident to find out how you can get compensation for any damages that you may have incurred.
  • Third, Uber and Lyft drivers operate as independent contractors. Both these companies have already openly stated that they have numerous new drivers signing up every day to become Uber drivers. It is an easy gig and a very convenient way of making some extra money. There are no fixed hours. Drivers can choose to work the hours that suit them. If they have a full-time job but need additional income, they can offer an Uber service in the evening. If they start late and have their mornings free, they can work as an Uber driver in their free hours. Some only work on weekends. The point is that it is easy to become an Uber and Lyft driver. Anyone with a valid license and a registered and functional vehicle can get out there and start driving passengers around. There is no check-and-balance as to whether these drivers are safe; whether they have a poor driving history; whether they have any other issues. This could be a huge risk, and any poor or irresponsible road behavior by these drivers could result in an accident. Talk to an Uber accident attorney if you faced issues with an Uber driver which resulted in any bodily harm or property damage.

Speak to an Uber Accident Lawyer about The Insurance Gap and how it can Affect Your Claim

The fact that TNC is a fairly new segment and the regulations governing the companies that operate as TNCs are still in their infancy stage, another major problem that is often seen with Uber and Lyft related accidents are the difficulty with insurance companies. Your Uber wreck lawyer will be able to provide you more details in this regard, but in essence, there are many factors at play here and more than one insurance company involved.

Whenever there is a road accident, the insurance company of the driver who is at fault is theoretically responsible for compensating the victim for any damages they may have incurred.  Insurance companies can prove to be very difficult in even normal road accidents, and when it comes to Uber, things can become even more complex. Your car wreck lawyer will highlight the issues that can occur with insurance companies and can better advise you on how to deal with those issues.

There are two factors at play here:

  1. Uber as a company has its corporate insurance policy that is designed to cover any damages that could occur in case an Uber-related accident takes place, and the company is found to be responsible for those damages.
  2. The Uber driver has their own auto insurance policy which is designed to cover any damages that could occur in case the driver’s vehicle is involved in an

In theory, this seems simple enough, but in reality, several issues can arise when you file a compensation claim. First, the company can simply refuse to accept any responsibility. This has happened before, and these TNCs have claimed that since their drivers are independent contractors, they cannot be held liable for accidents that are the fault of the driver. These drivers are not Uber employees, and hence the company is not responsible for what the driver does on the road. This is not a small issue. Uber has even stated that it only provides software and it should not be blamed for any driver’s reckless or negligent behavior.  The party that loses out in this responsibility gap is the party that suffered injuries in the accident or had to deal with property damage. Speak to an Uber wreck lawyer if you are faced with such an issue. Your Lyft accident lawyers will know how to handle this situation.

If the ridesharing companies refuse to pay, the next party you can turn to is the driver’s insurance company. Now, this comes with its own issues. First, does the driver have a personal auto insurance policy or a commercial one? Ridesharing is a commercial service, and the insurance company will only compensate the accident victim if the Uber driver has a commercial auto policy. All these things have to be figured out, and an Uber wreck lawyer is your best choice in this situation as they will know how to deal with insurance companies.

Even if Uber decides to take the high road and take responsibility for the safety of their passengers, there is another issue that needs to be considered. Was the driver active at the time? In other words, was the Uber software up and running and whether the driver was actually in the process of taking a passenger from one point to another? If this was so, there could be further discussion as to whose insurance policy will be used to pay damages. But if the driver was not signed in and there was no rider in the car and if that particular Uber vehicle gets into an accident, it is the driver’s insurance company that will be the one responsible for paying any damages. Now, the question is: will the insurance company pay up? Will the driver even have an insurance policy? All these are important elements to consider. Speak to an Uber wreck lawyer in this regard.

An Uber Accident Lawyer Can Help

The problem is that laws governing TNCs are very vague. There are issues related to the quality of drivers; there are issues related to who should be the one deemed responsible in case of an accident; there are issues related to regulations for TNCs. In short, Uber accidents can be complicated and you will need Lyft accident lawyers to help figure out how your case should be handled.

Generally speaking, you can claim the following damages if you have incurred any injuries and/or property damage:

  • Any medical bills for consultation, hospitalization, prescription medicines, and the amount you claim can include all expenses that have been incurred as well as those anticipated in the future based on your diagnosis and recommended treatment. Talk to your Uber accident lawyer in this regard.
  • Any lost wages since accidents can sometimes result in serious injuries. Accident victims may not be able to go back to work immediately. Even if they do, they may not be able to do the same work that they used to do before the accident. These factors must be considered when determining how much compensation the victims can receive as long wages or earnings. Speak to an Uber accident lawyer for more information.
  • Any pain and suffering that the victim incurred can also be included in a compensation claim. This requires a more qualitative evaluation. Your Uber accident lawyer can help you understand this in greater detail.
  • Any wrongful death that occurred because of the accident. This will also have to be proven with evidence. Talk to your Uber accident lawyer if you believe that your loved one died a wrongful death.

Contact An Uber Accident Lawyer Near Fayetteville At The Weinstein Firm Today

The best possible solution for an Uber accident victim is to speak to Lyft accident lawyers. An Uber wreck lawyer will know how ridesharing accidents work and what the legal system has to offer with respect to compensation for the victims. Your Uber wreck lawyer will be able to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Your Uber accident lawyer will also help determine who should be held liable and how the insurance companies can be forced to pay you the compensation you deserve.

At The Weinstein firm, our Uber accident lawyer will gather all the required information about your case and will ensure that they present a strong argument on your behalf. Insurance companies can be challenging, but your Uber accident lawyer will know how to deal with them. Our Lyft accident attorney understands that you are the victim here and both the ridesharing companies and the drivers involved need to be held accountable for their actions if they were indeed responsible for the accident. Call us today, and our Uber accident lawyer will be happy to discuss the specifics of your case and outline a strategy accordingly. We understand that people who get injured in accidents require all the support they can get at this point in time. You have your well-being to worry about. Let us handle your legal issues while you focus on your health.

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