Lawrenceville Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer

Georgia law states that anyone operating a motor vehicle is required to have the proper insurance.  That means you must have at least the minimum amount of insurance coverage available if you want to drive.

Also included in your policy is uninsured motorist coverage.  If you do not want uninsured motorist coverage, Georgia state laws require you to notify your insurance company in writing.

Unfortunately, even if you have the minimum amount required, that coverage may not be enough to cover your damages.  That’s when you’ll need an experienced uninsured motorist accident lawyer on your side. Call The Weinstein Firm today and schedule a free consultation for your uninsured motorist accident case.

When Do I Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

You’ll need to use it in these possible scenarios:

  • If you are in an accident with another driver who is at fault and that driver does not have car insurance.
  • If you are the victim of a hit and run accident.

It is important to note that the uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage are two entirely different coverages, although they are paired together in an insurance policy.  This article covers everything you’ll need to know about uninsured motorist coverage.

Stacked and Unstacked

Your uninsured motorist insurance coverage will fall under one of two categories:  stackable, (also referred to as stacked and stacking) and un-stackable (also referred to as unstacked and non-stacking.  If you are in an accident, your uninsured motorist accident attorneys will make sure you understand which one applies to your case.


This is typically touted as the best type of uninsured motorist accident coverage, and you can increase your uninsured motorist coverage according to the number of vehicles owned in your household.  This works by combining (stacking) the uninsured motorist coverage from multiple cars you own in your household.


This is the most basic uninsured motorist coverage and means the value of your possible compensation will not surpass dollar amount on your policy.

Please note:  these are very brief definitions.  There are many components and very specific details explained by the law as each of these coverages relates to your specific insurance policy.  Your uninsured motorist accident lawyer will make sure you have a complete understanding of how your coverage affects your case and how your team of uninsured motorist accident attorneys will work to make sure you are fairly compensated for your accident.

Whether your coverage is stacked or unstacked, the uninsured motorist accident lawyers at The Weinstein Firm know you shouldn’t be held responsible for an accident you didn’t cause.  But if you don’t get an uninsured motorist accident lawyer to fight for your rights, that could very well happen.

You’ve heard the stories and so have the uninsured motorist accident attorneys at The Weinstein Firm – the bills pile up, injuries get in the way, and the victim is alone with no one to help.  Don’t let this happen to you.  An uninsured motorist accident lawyer will make sure you are fairly compensated for your unfortunate circumstances.  Our uninsured motorist accident attorneys will work hard and diligently to make sure you get the justice you deserve.

The Story of Uninsured Coverage

Anyone who has ever been in a Lawrenceville auto accident can attest:  those moments immediately after an accident can be scary.  You’re checking for injuries, making sure you’re in a safe place and replaying the events in your head repeatedly while trying to figure out exactly what happened.  It can be horrifying, and our uninsured motorist accident attorneys know exactly how you feel.

For example, suppose you are driving on a to lane road.   You are obeying the speed limit at 45 miles per hour when suddenly, a deer runs out in the road.  You can avoid it, but the car coming in the opposite direction makes a bad call and swerves to miss it – right into your lane.  You have a head-on collision.  Our uninsured motorist accident lawyers hear stories like this on a regular basis.

From here, the story can unfold in several different directions, and having a team of uninsured motorist accident lawyers is your best option to get full compensation.

You and the other driver are lucky to be able to get out of your ca with no major injuries.  The next obvious step is to call the police, so while you wait, you gather your car insurance information to give to the other driver.  He’ll need to submit this to his car insurance company so fault can be determined and repairs can be made.

You, of course, know you did nothing wrong, so you have no worries about who will be held liable and whose insurance company will pay for the repairs.  But… something isn’t right.  The other driver isn’t getting his insurance information, and it doesn’t take long to find out why.  He doesn’t have any to give.  Not only did you just have a car accident, you just had a car accident that wasn’t your fault with an uninsured motorist.

You might feel alone and not know what to do, but this is where a car accident lawyer will step in and help.

What Do When You Are in an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist

The uninsured motorist accident attorneys at The Weinstein Firm stress that safety should always be the priority in an accident.  No matter what you think the cause of the accident may be, safety comes first.  Uninsured motorist accident attorneys say to follow these steps immediately after any car accident:

Assess any injuries:

If you or someone else involved in the accident needs help, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Call the police:

Request that an officer is sent to the scene to file a police report. This will serve official documentation of your accident that your uninsured motorist accident lawyer will use in your case.

Take notes:

Be sure to write down the time and any important details of the accident.

Take pictures:

Getting the placement of the cars involved can help your case.  Be sure to also get pictures of any skid marks, road signs, weather conditions, other vehicles, and license plates.

Talk to witnesses:

If anyone saw what happened, get their name and contact information.  Their story of what they saw can help your uninsured motorist accident attorney piece together your case.

Keep consistent records:

If you experience any physical or health-related symptoms after your accident, like headaches, neck or back problems, be sure to take note, inform your insurance company and schedule an appointment with your doctor so you can get the health proper care you need.  With this information, your uninsured motorist accident attorney will help you get your medical bills paid and compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering and more.

Just as important as what to do after an accident, an uninsured motorist accident attorney will also advise what NOT to do:

  • Do NOT place blame or engage in any verbal altercations with the other driver.
  • Do NOT apologize.
  • Do NOT admit fault to the police or the other driver.
  • Most importantly, NOT give any statements to an insurance company until you have contacted an uninsured motorist accident lawyer.

Filing an Uninsured Motorist Claim

Your uninsured motorist accident attorney will help you file an uninsured motorist claim.  When a driver does not have auto insurance, it is often because they can’t afford it, so they most likely don’t have the money to pay for your damages out of pocket.  However, your uninsured motorist accident lawyers know that their unfortunate circumstances don’t make it fair for you to be punished.

In a situation like the one described above or any other vehicle accident that involves an uninsured motorist, your uninsured motorist coverage is supposed to cover the damages when the driver at fault for the accident doesn’t have automobile insurance.  Your uninsured motorist lawyer will work tirelessly to make that happen.

The financial circumstances of the uninsured driver in no way give them the right to break the law, and an uninsured motorist accident lawyer will fight for your rights.  It can be extremely frustrating to know that you, as a responsible citizen, were following the law by obtaining insurance and are now impacted by the irresponsible actions of another citizen.  It is an unfortunate situation, but that’s why you’ll need an uninsured motorist accident attorney on your side.

Do I Need an Uninsured Motorist Accident Attorney if my Insurance Coverage Covers my Repairs?

It is certainly possible that your case is a simple one and your insurance coverage is enough to the cost of your vehicle’s repairs.  However, this “perfect situation” is very rare.  We urge you, at a minimum, to call The Weinstein Firm for a FREE consultation with an uninsured motorist accident lawyer.

Our team of experienced uninsured motorist accident lawyers will look over every major and minor detail of your insurance policy and help you to get the maximum amount of coverage from your insurance company.   Our job is to work for you, and if we think your insurance company’s current offer is fair and just, we’ll advise you to take their offer at your FREE consultation with an uninsured motorist accident lawyer.

However, in most cases, the insurance company wants to pay out the least amount of money as possible, so having an experienced uninsured motorist accident lawyer look over your case is always wise.

What if I am Injured in an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist

Your uninsured motorist claim is supposed to cover both medical and property damages if you were hit by an uninsured driver.   You can receive compensation for medical bills, income, lost wages, and more.   But making sure you get these items covered by your insurance company can be a daunting process, because even your own insurance company may try to deny, delay or underpay your claim.

This is why it is so important for you to make sure you have an experienced uninsured motorist accident lawyer to help with your case.  They will aggressively fight to make sure your insurance company pays out the maximum amount your coverage offers, so you don’t have to worry about your mounting medical bills, property damage or your injuries.

What if my Claim Totals More Than My Coverage?

It isn’t always easy to see all the coverages available to you in your insurance policy.  Your insurance company certainly isn’t going to tell you about all your available options, because in the case of an accident with an uninsured motorist, it is your insurance company that must pay your bills.

The perks of that auto insurance payment you’ve been making all these years aren’t always clear.  An experienced personal injury lawyer will comb through all the fine print of your policy to make sure all the coverage options are available to you.

For example, if your accident with an at-fault uninsured motorist exceeds the amount available in your coverage, your uninsured motorist accident attorneys will pursue other areas of your policy, like personal injury coverage.

Another example of fine print:  Did you know that if you are struck by a vehicle as a pedestrian, and you are not at fault, your policy may allow you to use your Uninsured Motorist Coverage if the other driver has no coverage or does a hit and run?

You pay for your insurance, and you should be able to utilize it fully when you need it.  Don’t let your insurance company avoid paying the compensation that is rightfully yours.  Your uninsured motorist accident lawyer is well versed in what you deserve from your insurance company, so reach out to The Weinstein Firm for a free consultation today.

How Long Do I Have to File an Uninsured Motorist Claim in Lawrenceville, Georgia?

In the state of Georgia, there is a statute of limitations for vehicle accidents.  This means a driver has two years to file a claim following an accident.  However, when filing an uninsured motorist claim, many policies have a clause that dramatically reduces that time frame to just 60 days – or less.

In short, if you wait longer than your insurance policy allows you to file an uninsured motorist claim, you are stuck and now solely responsible for your injuries, medical bills, property damage, pain and suffering and quite possibly much more.

Contact an uninsured motorist accident attorney immediately after your accident to make sure your claim is filed in the proper time frame.

We Are Here to Help

You need a seasoned uninsured motorist accident lawyer to go up against the insurance companies aggressively. Without legal representation, you may not get all the money you are entitled to from your insurance company with your uninsured motorist coverage.

If you have other coverages that you can use in your case, your insurance company won’t tell you, and you may not know these other options exist.   Your uninsured motorist accident lawyer will not compromise with the insurance company and will make sure you get the maximum amount coverage available to you.

Whether your accident has injuries, property damage or both, we are determined to make sure the law is upheld.  You need an uninsured motorist accident attorney who knows the laws, the insurance companies, and the tactics they use to avoid paying you what you deserve.

Don’t delay in acting to ensure your legal rights are protected! Call The Weinstein Firm, and we’ll provide effective representation while leaving you with a feeling of confidence, knowing we’ll do everything we can to help you walk away with a big win. Our job is to take the stress of all the legal burdens off you.

Call The Weinstein Firm today for a free consultation, and we’ll get started on your case right away!

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