How to Find Out if the At-Fault Party Has Car Insurance

car insurance adjuster checking for damage

Georgia is a fault auto accident state and car insurance claims. This means that when you get hurt in an auto collision due to someone else’s negligence, you can file a claim with your insurance provider, directly with the other driver’s insurance company, or file a lawsuit in court. If you need help understanding your legal options, speak with an experienced Atlanta auto accident attorney immediately.

Before successfully recovering compensation, you must establish the fault of the at-fault driver. With evidence, you must prove that the law required the other driver to be reasonably careful, and they failed to do so. You must also show that their conduct caused your injuries and you suffered substantial loss.

Proving liability can be complicated, especially if you have no legal knowledge or experience, so it’s best to let a lawyer help you. However, what if you were a hit-and-run victim and the driver could not be identified? Or the driver that hit you doesn’t have car insurance?

Better still, how can you determine if the other driver has car insurance? While situations like this can be complicated, it doesn’t mean you cannot get answers and recover compensation. This article discusses ways to find out if the other driver is insured.

Atlanta, Georgia Law on Auto Car Insurance

Georgia law requires all drivers to carry liability insurance of at least $25,000 in individual bodily injury insurance. You must also have $50,000 per accident for bodily injury and $25,000 for property damage liability insurance. Having auto insurance means a driver can compensate the victim of a crash they caused.

With car insurance in place, the at-fault motorist doesn’t have to cover the costly medical treatment or related losses out-of-pocket. Their insurance provider will compensate you if they find you have a valid third-party claim. As such, if your claim is successful, you can receive compensation for the following:

  • Medical bills and medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and suffering, etc.

Unfortunately, many drivers in Atlanta are guilty of driving on public roads and highways without auto insurance. An auto accident with an uninsured driver could make it more difficult to obtain compensation for your injuries and financial losses. Regardless you can still seek compensation if you hire an experienced lawyer to help you.

auto accident lawyer checking insurance information

Atlanta Auto Accident Attorney Explains How to Find Out if an At-Fault Driver Has Insurance Coverage 

Your first step towards recovery is to determine if the negligent driver who caused the accident is insured. Below are the actions to take.

  • Ask Them for Their Insurance Information While at the Accident Scene

One of the easiest ways to get an at-fault party’s insurance information is to ask them for it directly while at the crash scene. Immediately following a collision, it is common for involved drivers to exchange contact and insurance information, regardless of fault. This includes the name of their insurance company and the policy numbers.

So after checking yourself for injuries and getting to a safe spot, ask to see the other driver’s insurance card. Write down every information contained in the card or take a picture. If the other driver refuses to cooperate or show you proof of insurance, do not press further for information. The police can help you obtain the insurance information.

  • Call the Police

In Atlanta, GA, you must report an accident immediately to the police if there are any injuries or fatalities and/or at least $500 in property damage. After a collision happens, call 911 and tell the police you were in an accident.

The other driver might try to discourage you from calling the police or say they just want to handle the situation between you. This is especially common for drivers who don’t have insurance, as they know they will be in trouble if you report the accident. So don’t be swayed.

Instead, call the police, and when the responding officer arrives, they will ask the other driver to show their proof of insurance. You should also write down the license plate number and description of the vehicle that struck you. This is helpful if the at-fault party flees or attempts to run. The police can enter the license plate number into their system to give you the necessary information.

  • Check With the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV)

If you could not obtain the information at the crash scene or did not call the police for assistance, you are not yet out of options. You can visit the Atlanta, GA, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for help. However, you will only get the insurance information you seek if you have valid reasons for the request.

You simply have to provide the information you have about the other driver. For example, the license plate number, driver’s license number, vehicle identification number (VIN), accident report, or driver name should suffice. Once the DMV has these details, they will check their database to see if the driver has auto insurance coverage.

  • Contact the Insurance Company

You may only have partial information about the other driver, like their name and the insurance provider’s name, but not the policy number. In this case, contact the insurance company to ask for more information. The insurer can inform you about the coverage limit and whether you can obtain damages.

What if the At-Fault Driver Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?

Under Georgia law, you can purchase uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. If it turns out that the negligent driver is uninsured, underinsured, or you are a victim of a hit-and-run, your insurance company will pay for the medical bills and expenses incurred.

Your insurer will require proof of your injuries, medical expenses, property damage, etc. They will also investigate the facts of your claims. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds, as insurance adjusters don’t always act in good faith.

Often, they may deny or undervalue your case. So you must contact the best injury attorney to handle the insurance claim process on your behalf.

Let the Best Atlanta Auto Accident Attorney Help You With Your Insurance Claim

Pursuing financial compensation after an auto collision can be complicated. However, a good attorney can help you overcome all the hurdles. At The Weinstein Firm, we have helped many accident victims recover compensation for their injuries and losses, whether or not the at-fault party was insured.

We can help you, too, with your claim. So contact our firm today to schedule a consultation with the best injury attorney in Atlanta.


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