Conyers Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or your family member have been injured in any sort of accident, you need someone to turn to. Your medical bills are mounting. You may find yourself out of work for weeks or even a month. It can be a scary time.

You shouldn’t be left holding the bag. If the accident was someone else’s fault, they need to be held accountable. The law protects people who are injured due to someone else’s negligence. An experienced personal injury lawyer in Conyers can help get you the compensation you deserve.

Let the experts at The Weinstein Firm handle the legal side of things while you focus on getting well, call us at (770) HELP-NOW.

What Should You Do if You’ve Been Injured?

Regardless of what caused your injury, the first thing you need to do is get medical treatment. You have no idea how bad your injuries really are. You need a medical professional to check you out and determine the extent of your physical injuries.

Once you’ve made sure that you’re okay, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney in Conyers. You will probably have to file an insurance claim. This could be against the defendant’s auto insurance policy. Or, if you’ve been involved in a slip and fall, you may need to pursue a company’s general liability insurance. This is not something you want to deal with yourself.

If you don’t have an attorney, the insurance adjuster may try to get you to sign a release. A release basically says you’ll accept a certain amount of money as long as you promise not to file suit against the defendant.

Don’t sign any paperwork until an attorney has reviewed it. The insurance company will try to take advantage of you. They’ll offer you a low-ball settlement hoping that you’ll be desperate for money. Your claim could be worth much more than what they’re offering you.

What you should do is contact a personal injury attorney in Conyers right away. They’ll negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. They’ll make sure you don’t sign anything that will prevent you from getting the money you deserve.

You may have no idea of how much your case is worth. A skilled injury lawyer can review your case and let you know what it may be worth. They can also help determine if the other party was at fault. Your attorney will also be able to determine what kind of future medical bills you may have. This way, you won’t settle for less than you deserve.

How Do You Know if Your Claim is Valid?

Most people who are involved in any sort of accident thinks it was the other person’s fault. Very few people ever want to admit that maybe they were the ones who caused their injuries. One of the great things about meeting with a personal injury lawyer is they can look at your case with objective eyes.

You may think that you were just unlucky or that the other party did something wrong. It’s hard to see what our own role was in the accident. Your attorney can determine if your injuries were caused by negligence or something else.

Personal injury attorneys in Conyers handle all sorts of claims. Some of these include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Slip and falls
  • Pedestrian or bicycle accidents
  • Criminal acts
  • Nursing home abuse or neglect
  • Product liability cases
  • Dangerous drugs or medical devices

This list is just a few examples of personal injury claims. The experienced attorneys at The Weinstein Firm have seen just about everything you can imagine. They have the knowledge and the experience to handle any sort of personal injury case that walks through their doors.

What if Your Case Goes to Trial?

Very few of our cases ever go to trial. Most people don’t know that more than 90% of all lawsuits settle long before trial. Nobody wants to go to court if they don’t have to. Trials are expensive and time-consuming.

Your Conyer personal injury attorney is going to do everything they can to avoid going to trial. They’ll negotiate with the insurance adjuster to settle your claim. If your claim is denied, they’ll file an appeal on your behalf. If this doesn’t work, they will file a personal injury lawsuit.

Just because you’ve filed suit does not mean you can’t still settle your case. Cases settle all the way up until the day of trial. It’s just a matter of the insurance company and your lawyer coming to terms that they both agree on.

Your attorney doesn’t want to accept less than you deserve. The insurance company doesn’t want to pay more than they have to. Usually, they end up somewhere in the middle. If, however, your case can’t be settled our attorneys will be with you throughout the court process. They’ll be by your side every step of the way.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawery in Conyers Cost?

A lot of people think it costs a lot of money to hire a personal injury attorney in Conyers. But at The Weinstein Firm, we don’t think it’s fair to ask our clients for money upfront. We work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. This is why you don’t pay a dime until we settle or win your case.

The Weinstein Firm offers our clients a fee structure that is fair and reasonable. We offer a free initial consultation. You can sit down with an experienced lawyer who will answer any questions you may have. You also don’t pay a dime for our services.

If we win your case, we receive a percentage of your settlement or award. If we don’t get you any money, you pay nothing. If we succeed in getting you a financial recovery, you’ll pay us a percentage and everything else goes to you.  We think this is the best way to get you the help you need at the least risk.

Personal Injury In Conyers

How Long Do You Have to File Your Claim?

Every case is different. However, if you get hurt in Conyers, you only have a certain amount of time to file your claim. This is because Georgia has something called the statute of limitations. This is the law that limits how long you have to file suit.

In Georgia, the statute of limitations for most injury cases is two (2) years. This means if you don’t file your claim within two years from the date of your injury, your claim will be barred. Your personal injury attorney in Conyers is aware of this deadline. They’ll make sure your claim is filed in a timely manner.

Conyers Personal Injury Lawyer - The Types of Cases We Handle

What Types of Personal Injury Cases Do We Handle?

At The Weinstein Firm, we handle all sorts of personal injury cases. Our staff has decades of experience handling cases just like yours. Regardless of the type of accident you’re involved in, you may be entitled to compensation. The experienced attorneys at our firm know what it takes to get our clients justice.

Some of the types of personal injury cases we handle include the following:

Car Accidents

If you’ve been involved in a car crash in Conyers, you may suffer some pretty serious injuries. Our attorneys will review your case and help decide if the other driver was at fault. They’ll help you file your insurance claim. If your claim is denied, your personal injury attorney will try to negotiate a settlement with the insurance adjuster. If they won’t settle, they’ll file a lawsuit on your behalf. Chances are, you’ll have medical bills that need to be paid. You will also need to repair or replace your vehicle. You need to focus on recovering from your injuries. Let your car accident attorney focus on the legal side of things.

Conyers Personal Injury Lawyer, Car Accident


Bicycle Accidents

With people going green, it means a lot more people riding their bikes these days. You may ride your bicycle to work or school. Or, you may just decide to go for a long bike ride one sunny afternoon. Unfortunately, if drivers aren’t careful, they can end up hitting a cyclist. With nothing to protect you other than a plastic helmet, you need to be extra careful. If a car or truck driver hits you while on your bike, you’ll suffer pretty serious injuries. A bike accident attorney can fight to get you compensation for your injuries.

Bus Accidents

It seems like buses usually drive pretty slowly. But, once they get going, they become large and powerful machines. If you’re a passenger on a bus that gets into an accident, you may suffer severe injuries. There will be a few people who could be responsible for your damages. The bus driver may be personally liable if they’re drunk at the time of the crash. You’ll also have a possible claim against the bus company. If there was mechanical failure, you may have a claim for damages against the mechanic who serviced the bus. Your Conyers bus accident lawyer will review your case and see who you need to pursue.

Lawrenceville Personal Injury Attorney, Bus Accident

Hit and Run Accidents

Hit and run accidents can be very frustrating. Whether you’re in the car when it’s hit or not, you’ll be upset. You may have suffered physical injuries. Or, you may have experienced significant damage to your car. It can be hard to track down the person who hit you. Your hit and run lawyer may have to file an uninsured motorist claim on your behalf. Your lawyer will talk to the police and see if they have any information on the person who hit you. They’ll work hard to make sure the right person is held responsible.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents tend to be some of the most serious we see. This is because a motorcycle rider is at the mercy of the other drivers on the road. There’s nothing to stand between a rider and a two-ton vehicle. Some of these accidents can prove deadly, especially if the rider was going fast at the time of the crash. If you or your loved one were injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, you need help. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Conyers can get you justice. This way, you can focus on getting better.

Conyers Personal Injury Lawyer, Motorcycle Accident

Pedestrian Accidents

Some of the most vulnerable accident victims are pedestrians who are hit by cars or trucks. When you’re on foot, there’s nothing you can do to protect yourself. Pedestrian accidents usually result in very serious or even fatal injuries. The impact of a motor vehicle is just too much for most bodies to handle. Hopefully, the person who hits you will stick around until the police come. If this is the case, you’ll be able to file a claim against their insurance. If they take off, your pedestrian accident attorney will contact the police and try to locate them.

Truck Accidents

Most people are afraid to share the road with tractor-trailers. They’re big and powerful machines. It seems like truck drivers have no regard for other people on the road. While this isn’t really true, it doesn’t change the fact that truck accidents are extremely dangerous. A passenger vehicle doesn’t stand a chance against a large truck. If you get into a truck accident, you will have a potential claim against the driver, his company and the mechanic who serviced the vehicle. Contact a truck accident lawyer at The Weinstein Firm to see what options you have for your claim.


Uber Accidents

Rideshare companies are one of the best inventions of the last ten years. They have helped cut down on the number of drunk drivers on the road. They also help people who would otherwise have to rely on public transportation. However, Uber drivers aren’t professional drivers. They’re no different than you or me. They’re just as likely to get into a crash as anyone else. You may have a claim against the Uber driver or Uber. The good news is, there should be plenty of auto insurance coverage available to cover your injuries so contact an uber accident lawyer to begin the claim process.

Uninsured Motorist Accidents

The law in Georgia requires that you carry auto insurance. That doesn’t mean everyone has insurance. Some people either can’t afford insurance or they don’t care about the law. If you get into a crash with someone who doesn’t have insurance, you could be in trouble. Someone needs to be responsible for your injuries. One option you may have is to file a claim against your uninsured motorist insurance. Your uninsured motorist attorney can help you do this.

Wrongful Death

Sadly, some accidents are so serious that their victims never recover from their injuries. If your loved one is killed because of someone else’s negligence, you need to contact a wrongful death lawyer right away. They’ll look to see if you may have a claim for wrongful death. If the defendant caused your loved one’s death, they’ll be liable for damages. This will include funeral and medical expenses. It will also include things like lost earnings.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Conyers Today

If you or your loved one have been injured in any sort of accident, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney right away. The attorneys at The Weinstein Firm in Conyers, Georgia has the skills necessary to get you the compensation you deserve.

Call our office today at (770) HELP-NOW and schedule your free initial consultation. The defendant will have a lawyer working for them and you should too.

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