Does it Make Sense to Hire an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer for a Small Claim?

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There’s only one reason why somebody would hire an Atlanta personal injury lawyer. They may say they do it because they want to get justice. But the truth is that they want compensation for their injuries. There’s nothing wrong with that. If someone hurts you, there’s no reason why you should be left holding the bag. They should be held responsible for any out-of-pocket costs associated with your injury.

Some people think that, just because they were involved in an accident, they’re automatically entitled to damages. This isn’t the truth. Your Atlanta personal injury lawyer can only get you compensation for injuries you’ve actually suffered. There’s no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to personal injury. There’s always the chance that you can walk away with nothing. However, if you have a valid claim, there’s a good chance you’ll recover for your injuries.

When your injuries are minor, it may not occur to you that you should hire an Atlanta personal injury lawyer. You may think that personal injury lawsuits are reserved for people who end up in the hospital. The truth is that every case is unique. Not everybody has a valid claim for damages. The only way to know for sure is to talk to an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer.

Your Atlanta Personal Injury LAwyer Needs to Evaluate Your Case

No attorney worth their salt is going to promise you that they can get you compensation. That wouldn’t be right, and it wouldn’t be fair. The only way your attorney can determine how strong your case is would be to review it. This is usually done during your free, initial consultation. This is when your lawyer gets a chance to meet with you and look at whatever information you have pertaining to your case.

During this initial meeting, your attorney will need to review whatever information you have. It’s a good idea to bring the following with you to your first meeting:

  • Copies of any medical bills, receipts, or records of out-of-pocket expenses
  • A copy of your medical records if you suffered a physical injury
  • Proof of any lost wages or lost income
  • Copy of the police report if you have one
  • Your mechanic’s bill if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident
  • A copy of any letters and emails you’ve received from the defendant, their lawyer or their insurance company

If you are having your consultation by phone, you can always email or fax a copy of this information to your attorney’s office. Or your Atlanta personal injury lawyer can have you take pictures of them and text it to their cell phone.

Your Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Will Be Honest with You

There may be some personal injury lawyers in Atlanta who take every case that walks in the door. Most aren’t like that. The whole point of having a consultation is so that your lawyer can determine if you have a valid claim in the first place. If they don’t feel your case is strong enough, they may not want to represent you. After looking at your information, they’ll estimate what they think your case is worth. If it’s only worth a couple of thousands of dollars, they may or may not want to handle it. It has to make sense for them financially. It also has to make sense to you.

Let’s consider a case in which you slip and fall at the local grocery store. It was snowing outside, and the floor was wet. But you were also wearing stiletto heels and had been drinking earlier that day. The only injure you suffered was a sprained wrist. You missed two days of work and didn’t require any real medical care. A case like this may not be something you would sue over. It may not make sense to sue somebody over a few hundred dollars. There’s also a good chance the defendant would argue that you were at fault.

Call and Speak with a Skilled Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’re injured in any sort of accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The only way to know for sure is to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer in Atlanta. They can review your case and give you an honest opinion of what it’s worth. If your claim is very small, it may not be the sort of thing you file suit over. The best thing to do is get the opinion of an attorney. Call today and schedule your free, initial consultation.

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