Kennesaw Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer

It is mandatory to carry auto insurance in all states in the U.S. Every licensed driver with a registered vehicle is required to meet the minimum requirements of their state before they can legally drive their vehicle. While auto insurance is a legal requirement, there are still drivers out there who drive without insurance. Research shows that that around one in seven cars on the road are driven by drivers who do not have auto insurance. This can be bad news for anyone who happened to be involved in an accident with one of these uninsured drivers. If you were in a car accident, but the other driver is uninsured, you should call an uninsured motorist accident lawyer in Kennesaw, Georgia to find out how you can recover any damages that you have incurred.

Hire an Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer Who Knows Your Rights

Any accident can cause a huge amount of distress. This stress can be multiplied if it turns out that the driver who hit you has no insurance. This means that there is nobody to pay for any bodily injury or property damage that you have to face because of the accident. However, this does not mean that you cannot recover any damages. There are steps you can take to make the process much easier for yourself. One of the most important steps is to contact an uninsured motorist accident lawyer who will be able to advise you of your options.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Kennesaw, Georgia

After an accident with an uninsured motorist the recommended steps are:

Remain calm and make sure that you aren’t seriously injured

Take a quick look around you to see if anyone nearby needs your help and if you are able to, take them and yourself to a safe place away from the crash site.

Call 911

Request medical assistance along with police attendance. Give your location and provide a basic overview of the situation.

Get information from witnesses and the involved party

Make a mental note of events and get the names and contact details of the parties involved in the accident, including any witnesses who are still at the scene.

Contact a lawyer

If you determine during this time that the driver who hit you is uninsured, you should contact an uninsured motorist accident lawyer. You can do so from the scene of the accident if you are not badly hurt or you can do it after you have received medical treatment.

Wait for the police

Because one of the parties involved is uninsured, it is even more important that you wait for the police to arrive, as driving without insurance is illegal. They will determine that themselves when they question everyone. This information will be vital for your case if you decide to file a compensation claim against the other driver. The police will make a full accident report which will form the basis from which your uninsured motorist attorney will be able to determine liability.

Take pictures

Take plenty of pictures of the scene, if possible. You can also record witness statements, as well. You want to gather as much information after the accident as you can because memories fade over time and it can become difficult to remember details after a shocking event. However, do not try to force answers from anyone. You don’t want to make a bad situation worse.

Don’t engage in too much conversation with others on the scene

It is very easy to make an innocent statement that can become a damning indictment should the case proceed to a lawsuit. Whatever the circumstances surrounding the accident, it is unwise to discuss anything with anyone other than the police or your uninsured motorist accident lawyer.

Why Are People Driving Uninsured?

kennesaw uninsured motorist

Research shows that there could be as many as 30 million drivers or more currently driving on the roads without auto insurance. That is a shocking statistic since it is a legal requirement to carry insurance coverage.

While there can be very real economic reasons people forgo insurance protection when they get behind a wheel, a personal injury lawyer will tell you that the consequences of driving without insurance can be devastating. Whether a driver can’t afford insurance or they are simply irresponsible, if they are involved in an accident, there will be a hefty price to pay. Not only will the uninsured driver face legal penalties and enormous financial costs, but the victim will also have to go through a significantly difficult time trying to recover damages.

It often happens that when people get involved in an accident and when they find out that the other party is uninsured, they think that there is no way they will be able to get any compensation. With this point of view, they may decide to come to an agreement with the uninsured driver and may agree to settle for an amount that would be much lower than what they could actually recover through proper channels.

Competent uninsured motorist accident attorneys give the following advice to people who might consider such settlements:

  • An uninsured motorist accident attorney will tell you not to be tempted to take cash from an uninsured driver at the scene of a crash. It is not uncommon for drivers without insurance to make attempts to prevent further action from being taken against them. Remember that it is illegal to drive without insurance and when you are in an accident, that information is likely to come out if the police get involved. You do not want to engage in any such negotiations with an uninsured driver. Even though it might be tempting to reach a speedy conclusion and just accept a cash sum, it is unwise to do so. You should consult your uninsured motorist accident attorney if such an offer is made.
  • Leave estimating the cost of damage to the professionals because accurately assessing repair costs can be difficult. Sometimes, it may seem that your car has not suffered any major damage, but later on, problems can occur. This is another reason you shouldn’t accept any cash for damages from an uninsured party. If there is hidden structural or mechanical damage to your car, you will not have been adequately compensated for it.
  • Don’t assume that there is no way you can recover damages if the other driver is uninsured. Instead, speak with an uninsured motorist accident lawyer who can guide you on the best path to receiving the compensation you deserve. You might want to check your own policy and if it carries uninsured motorist coverage. If not, you can file a lawsuit against the driver. Whatever the case may be, don’t exchange any cash. If discovered, you will also be implicated and may have to face serious legal consequences.

Who Has Liability in an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist?

As it is, determining fault and liability in an accident can be fairly complex. This becomes even more complicated when the driver turns out to be uninsured. Legally speaking, there is a minimum liability requirement that is designed to cover the other party’s damages in case of an accident. Drivers can also buy additional comprehensive or collision coverage to take care of additional damages if they are in an accident. That is why you need to speak to an uninsured motorist accident lawyer to find out how you can get compensation from an uninsured driver. Uninsured motorist accident attorneys are well-versed in the laws relevant to the state the claim is filed. You need to let them handle the proceedings, and you need to let them determine the best possible course of action for you.

Realistically speaking, unless you have uninsured motorist coverage in your own auto insurance, it is likely that the only route to recover your costs is in court. That is why you cannot do it on your own. You will need a car accident lawyer who can prepare a strong case on your behalf and represent you in court so that you can get the compensation you deserve. Just because a driver does not have insurance does not mean they can get away with causing damage to another party. As it is, they were driving illegally. They are the ones who need to be held accountable, not you. Talk to an uninsured motorist accident lawyer in Kennesaw, Georgia to find out how you should proceed.

Why Uninsured Motorist Coverage is So Important

Uninsured motorist coverage is not a mandatory requirement in every state in the U.S., but when you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, you tend to realize the value of such coverage. However, since it is not mandatory, most people don’t have it. It might be a good idea though to re-evaluate your insurance coverage if you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist.

How Collisions with Uninsured Drivers Affect Your Premium

Uninsured motorist accident attorneys will be able to advise you on what is likely to happen after an accident with an uninsured driver and whether this will affect your insurance premiums. By and large, if you have been found to have no liability for the accident, it is against the law for your insurer to raise your premiums. Nevertheless, uninsured motorist accident attorneys confirm, insurance companies are sometimes a law unto themselves, and they may deem you more likely to have other incidents in the future. This may result in your premiums going up.

If you have absolutely no liability for the accident and do not have uninsured motorist coverage in your policy, the only option available to you is to sue the other party or pay the costs yourself. You need to make sure that you provide all the details of the accident to your uninsured motorist accident lawyer so that they can present this information in court. Any photographs that you may have taken at the scene of the accident, as well as any witness statements, can prove to be very useful at this time.

Your uninsured motorist accident attorney may also check around to see if there are any nearby CCTV cameras as they may contain footage that can be used as evidence should the case go to trial. In any case, don’t give up. There are legal options available to you even if the other driver is uninsured.

Perhaps the most important tip is to call the police even if there are minimal damages and no injury. Don’t be persuaded to accept a cash offer it will most likely be insufficient to compensate you adequately. It’s crucial that you don’t discuss the ins and outs of the crash with anyone other than the police and uninsured motorist accident attorneys. Ultimately an uninsured motorist accident attorney will put your best interests first and prevent you from caving into an uninsured driver’s requests.

The point is that you may have to deal with premium issues with your insurance company, but whatever you decide to do, the one thing that you should avoid at all costs is to settle with the driver without involving any lawyers or the police. Remember, you are not the one at fault. It is the other driver. Don’t be pressurized to do anything wrong.

Reach Out to a Kennesaw, Georgia Uninsured Motorist Lawyer Today

Whatever you decide to do, it is important that you seek legal counsel. At The Weinstein Firm, we have a team of uninsured motorist accident lawyers who have dealt with numerous cases of a similar nature. We don’t believe that anybody should get away with harming another individual – whether it’s physical damage or property loss. The driver who was on the road without insurance was already doing something which is illegal. Why should you suffer the consequences of their irresponsible actions?

Call The Weinstein Firm today, and we will outline a strategy that will help you get the compensation you deserve. Our team has dealt with many cases involving uninsured motorists in Kennesaw, Georgia. There are ways to recover damages, and the legal system is on your side since it is the other driver who is at-fault and on the roads illegally. Let us help you. Call a Georgia uninsured motorist accident lawyer to discuss the specifics of your accident so that they can provide you with the best legal representation.

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