Kennesaw Bike Accident Lawyer

Riding a bicycle can be risky as bicycles are one of the most vulnerable forms of transport on our roads. Anybody who is on the road generally tries to ensure their safety and avoids situations where there is a risk of sustaining an injury. However, when you share a road with other vehicles, especially those that are bigger than yours, it becomes difficult to predict the behavior of others.

As the number of cars and trucks increase on our roads, so have bicycles. With more vehicles on the road, the risk of accidents also increases. If you have been in a bike accident and have suffered injuries and loss, you need the legal support of a good bike accident lawyer in Kennesaw, Georgia. Call today so they can help you get the compensation you deserve for your pain and loss.

Do I Need a Reputable Bike Accident Lawyer in Kennesaw, GA?

Unfortunately, bike accidents are not uncommon in Georgia. Across the US and the services of bike accident lawyers are frequently used, especially in complex cases. If you are a victim of a bike accident, you’ll need the support of a bike wreck lawyer to ensure your financial position is protected and any expensive medical issues are handled.

Bike wreck lawyers report that most bicycle and motorcycle accidents are caused by negligent driving, particularly other road users who tend to be less aware of two-wheel traffic. Each year, there are thousands of people statewide who are injured while riding bikes. A large majority of these accidents are the result of negligence, hazardous weather conditions or factors beyond the cyclist’s control.

Although you are likely to be disorientated, shocked and confused after a bike accident, it’s important that you consult a bike accident lawyer to find out your options. Your bike wreck lawyer can help ensure you get fair treatment and are adequately compensated for any physical injuries and financial losses that you may have incurred.

What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

Being in an accident can be a traumatic experience for most people. However, accidents involving bicycles can be particularly frightening, especially if there are cars and trucks involved. What you do and how you respond right after the accident can be crucial. It’s important to remain as calm as possible. If you have injuries that need urgent medical attention, you must follow the advice of first-responders on the scene. Remember, your safety and well-being should always be your first priority.

You should also ensure the following after a bike accident unless you are severely injured and are taken to the hospital immediately:

Wait for the Police to Arrive

It is absolutely vital that anyone involved in or witness to an accident remains at the scene until the police arrive. This is required even if you think you have not sustained any injuries. An accurate police report needs to be filed after all road traffic accidents. This is a legal requirement for parties involved in the accident and any witnesses at the scene. Any individual who can contribute to recounting events is required to give a statement to the police.

While you’re waiting for the police to arrive at the scene, it’s important to not engage in any discussion with any other parties involved. Emotions and stress levels are through the roof when an accident has taken place. You don’t want to say anything that you might regret later. As it is, when an accident occurs, everyone is more interested in putting the fault on the other party. Don’t get into this kind of situation. Stay calm and wait for the police. The only person you should provide the most detailed information to should be your bike accident attorney.

In case you suffered serious injuries after the accident and were rushed to the hospital, you will still need to give a statement to the police when you can. Similarly, when you are able to, you should also give a complete account of events to your bike wreck lawyer to help them build your case. Your bike accident attorney needs as much information as possible so that they can ensure you get the compensation you deserve for your loss.

Get Your Version of Events into the Accident Report

It’s important that the police take accurate statements from everyone involved in the accident or anyone who witnessed it. Bike accident attorneys report that police sometimes take a statement from the motorist without talking to the cyclist. Make sure that doesn’t happen to you unless you are already in the hospital.

You must ensure all your injuries – no matter how minor – are included in the police report. Also, make sure you get yourself examined by a healthcare provider. Remember that although you may not be experiencing any noticeable pain at the time, your symptoms may develop over a few days and could potentially become more serious. This is why it is important to seek medical attention even if you do not believe you have a severe injury. There could be internal damages that you were not aware of, and you want to make sure there is a record of that as soon as possible after the accident.

Seeking counsel from a local bike accident lawyer is a good idea as they can tell you immediately what information is important and what is irrelevant. Should any important information be excluded from the accident report, your bike accident lawyer can have it amended within a certain time frame following the incident. Getting caught up in the confusion and chaos that follows bike accidents can make it difficult to focus on what you need to do and so having a bike accident attorney to advise you is invaluable.

Obtain Driver and Witness Contact Information

Although the police are responsible by law to report and file bike accident reports, you also need to gather as much information as you possibly can while you are at the scene of the accident.  Noting the name, contact details, license plate numbers and insurance information of others directly involved in the incident is essential for your car accident lawyer to pursue your case. If possible, try and get the names and contact information for any witnesses to the accident who are at the crash scene.

Document What Happened

Since accidents are difficult to deal with and people often forget important things at this time of chaos, you might want to try and document what happened so that you don’t lose that information. Try and make mental notes of what and how the accident happened. Use your phone to take as many pictures as possible of the vehicles involved (and their plates). You should also take photos of any nearby evidence such as skid marks and damage to barriers or signs that may be relevant further down the line.

Document Your Injuries

Your smartphone is a vital accessory if you’ve been involved in a bike accident.  Bike accident lawyers confirm that it can be admissible evidence in court should that be necessary. Even if you feel you are relatively uninjured, you should get yourself checked over by first responders because you may go on to develop symptoms or pain after the event. You want to document all of your injuries, including bruises and scratches, as soon as possible after the accident and then continue to take pictures as your injuries change. All these measures can help your bike accident lawyer prove that you suffered injuries and financial loss.

Preserve Evidence

Anything that was damaged in the bike accident should be kept in the same state immediately afterward. No attempts should be made to repair or fix your bike or have it inspected before these damages have been reported. Don’t send any personal evidence you have to anyone other than your bike accident lawyer. Your personal injury lawyer will want as much information as possible about your injuries and damages, so make sure you take as many photos as you can.

Seek Advice from a Bike Accident Lawyer in Kennesaw, GA

Because the majority of accidents involving bikes and cars are quite complex, you will probably want to consult a reputable bike accident lawyer in Kennesaw, Georgia. You’ll want to have a strong foundation of legal support to lean on, particularly at this vulnerable time. Bike accident lawyers will:

  • Advise you on how best to proceed
  • Negotiate directly with insurance firms and loss adjusters on your behalf
  • Give you full legal representation should your case involve a lawsuit

After a Bike Accident: Avoid Insurance Company Representatives

When there is any kind of insurance claim involving material or physical damage, there is usually a loss adjuster who evaluates the damage. Keep in mind that insurance companies are not your friend and that although they may ask the kind of questions that seem like displays of concern; they are not there to help you. Loss adjusters work directly for their firm’s shareholders and not for the victims of accidents. They will want to reduce any payouts as much as they possibly can, so bear that in mind.

You don’t want to get involved with insurance companies. All you need to do is hire a bike accident lawyer. Once you do that, they will deal with the insurance companies on your behalf. This means you can avoid falling into any traps set by insurance adjusters who may try to get you to accept a low settlement or make a statement that damages your case. Having a bike accident attorney take care of this kind of communication is a distinct advantage.

Are You Eligible to Receive a Settlement?

Although bike accidents aren’t uncommon, many cyclists aren’t aware of the legal options available to them if they are ever involved in an accident. Because of this, many fail to take action against the negligent parties. The best way to find out exactly what your legal position is following an accident is to contact a GA bike accident lawyer as soon as possible who will be able to advise you.

Generally speaking, if you’ve sustained an injury as a result of an accident caused by another driver, you are entitled to file a claim. When the blame lies firmly on another driver’s side, you are able to seek compensation for things like medical expenses, emotional suffering, and any resulting loss of earnings. Bike accidents can have ramifications that affect the victims for many years, and that is why it is important that you fight for the justice you deserve.

How Can Georgia Bike Accident Lawyers Help My Case?

Being involved in a bike accident is one thing, but its impact on your future remains unknown in the days, weeks, months and sometimes years to come. Initially, you’ll probably be worried about not being able to work and how that will impact your financial security. This can add even more stress in your life at a time when you’re already dealing with the accident. Hiring a bike accident lawyer will ensure your best interests are looked after so that you can focus on your recovery and let your lawyers handle the legal issues.

Some of the concerns that can be addressed by a bike wreck lawyer include:

Ensuring that you receive compensation for medical bills for any treatment following the accident, including ongoing recovery and rehabilitation.

A bike wreck lawyer will fight for a compensation amount that will allow you to deal with your medical expenses. This includes any psychological treatment you may require at any stage.

Paying for the cost of repairs to your bike along with any other goods or equipment that was damaged in the accident.

This is why it’s always recommended to take pictures of any damage done at the time of the incident and not to fix or clean anything until you’ve spoken to your bike accident lawyer.

Ensuring you receive adequate compensation for any loss of earnings so that you can return to work when you have recovered fully.

Should you develop conditions that lead to long-term unemployment, your bike wreck lawyer will fight for you so that they can get you adequate financial support. This will help you deal with the loss of earnings till you are able to get back to work.

Get in Touch with a Bike Accident Lawyer in Kennesaw, Georgia Today

It doesn’t matter how careful you are when you ride your bike. Sometimes, accidents happen. Aside from taking as many precautions as you can to protect yourself, including being visible in poor light and wearing the right safety equipment, there’s nothing you can do to predict the behavior of others on the road. If you have been hurt in a bicycle crash in Kennesaw, GA, you need the support of a bike accident lawyer to ensure you get compensated for any losses that you have incurred. Call The Weinstein Firm to discuss your case today.



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