Who Do You Sue in a Premises Liability Case?

Premises liability

Premises liability cases can be confusing. Clearly, you have to pursue the person who owns the premises on which you got hurt. This could be a friend, neighbor or relative. If you get hurt on their property, you may have no choice but to take legal action. That’s when it’s time to call and talk to one of our experienced Atlanta premises liability lawyers. You can meet with one of our attorneys for free. Then, once your attorney has a better idea of what your case entails, they can make their legal recommendation.

Your Atlanta Premises Liability Lawyer Will Need to Review the Facts

The only way for your Atlanta premises liability lawyer to help you is to let them review your case. They need to see if there’s enough evidence to prove the defendant was wrong. They also need to see what kind of injuries you suffered. Once they take a look at your documentation, they’ll have a better ideal about who they need to name in your lawsuit.

If You Have a Viable Claim, You Should Be Entitled to Damages

As much as you hate the idea of suing a friend or neighbor, you have no choice. You shouldn’t be left holding the bag if you need medical care. Like it or not, you really do need to consider pursuing the property owner. You may be entitled to damages, including but not limited to the following:

  • Medical bills – The defendant should pay for any medical bills accrued as a result of your injury
  • Future medical bills – If your doctor thinks you’ll need surgery or physical therapy in the future, you can demand compensation for that as well
  • Property Damage – If anything was broken in the fall, you can certainly ask for reimbursement
  • Lost income – You can demand damages for any time you missed from work. This includes any future income you would have received.
  • Pain and Suffering – If you suffer serious injuries, you may be entitled to damages for pain and suffering

You May Have to Sue Multiple Parties

In most cases, your Atlanta premises liability lawyer will have to sue more than one person. Typically, they need to name both the homeowner and their insurance company in the lawsuit. If they rent, then your attorney will likely sue the landlord, your friend and the homeowner’s insurance company. It’s better to name all potential defendants at the start. You may not be able to add them down the road. Your attorney will try to settle with all the defendants. Of course, their best option is to get the insurance adjuster to agree to a settlement.

More than Likely Your Attorney Will Settle With the Insurance Company

One of the first things your attorney will do is try to settle your claim with the insurance company. It’s best for everybody if you can avoid going to trial. They’re expensive and time consuming. Plus, when you settle, you get a lump sum of money right away. You won’t have to worry about waiting years to see if the judge will see things your way. In addition, if you settle your case early, you won’t have to worry about pursuing your friend or neighbor in open court. The matter will be resolved and, other than a slight premium increase, they’ll walk away unscathed.

Meet with a Seasoned Atlanta Premises Liability Lawyer Right Away

When most people fall at a friend or neighbor’s house, they think they can resolve the matter with their friend or neighbor. The last thing they envision is going to court against their friend. This is why so many of them don’t go to the hospital after their fall. It isn’t until days later when they start to realize they’re hurt. This is about the same time they call an Atlanta premises liability lawyer to ask for help.

We understand that nobody wants to lose a friend over a lawsuit. Ideally, that won’t happen. Most of these cases are settled with their insurance company. If your friend is renting their home, it may involve a claim against their landlord’s homeowner’s insurance. Either way, the hope is that you’ll never have to face your friend or neighbor in court.

The best thing to do is to call and talk to one of our skilled Atlanta premises liability lawyer. Let them review your case and give you an idea of how to proceed. Since the initial consultation is free, you’ve got nothing to lose.

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