What Should I Do If I Am Involved in a Car Accident?

Driver calling for help after a car accident

No one wants to be in a car accident. They hope that with some safe driving and minding the road conditions that they will be able to make it to their destination without too much trouble. You pay attention to the signs, leave enough space between them and the car ahead of them, and you even give yourself extra time when you see that the weather is not cooperating.

Even if you do a good job of watching where you are going, there are times when you may need a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA. Often the other driver is the one at fault. Despite how hard you work to obey the laws of the road, there is nothing you can do if someone else ends up not paying attention and running into you. And one day, you can find that you are in need of a car accident attorney to help you out.

If you are in a car accident and need an auto accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, it is likely to be a scary experience. No one assumes that they need a wreck lawyer and after being in an accident, you may be confused and disoriented. Knowing the steps that you should take after one of these accidents can make a big difference in the help you get and whether you are blamed for the accident or not. Let’s take a look at what you should do if you need a car accident attorney after being in an accident with another party.

Call 911

As soon as you can, it is time to report the accident. Call 911 if you are able to and let the dispatcher know if someone has burn injuries or is otherwise hurt, whether it is you or someone else.

It is important that you are cooperative and honest when the police arrive. The information that you tell the police about your injuries will be recorded and sometimes used as evidence for an insurance claim or for a lawsuit. If you have been hurt in this accident in some way, you must tell the police so that it ends up in the report. Without this information in the report, it will be hard for your injury lawyer in Atlanta to help you with your case later on.

Remember that this is not the time to discuss how is at fault for the accident with other people. You can discuss the details with the police, but bringing it up to the insurance company or other individuals can harm your case. Talk to your car accident attorney first before you discuss the case with anyone other than the police.

Record the scene

Another thing that you can do to help out your Georgia personal injury lawyer, is to record the scene. You can do this on your cell phone by walking around the accident and taking as many pictures as possible. Include pictures of the vehicle you were in, including the inside, and of your injuries.

The more information that you get, the more that your wreck lawyer can help you. Get the insurance, license plate, contact information, and more for anyone who was involved in this accident as well as the contact information for the witnesses. Information like construction activity and weather conditions can be used by your accident lawyer to help make your case.

Seek medical attention

Even if the injuries do not seem that bad, seek attention from a medical professional as soon as possible. Not only can this help catch some health concerns that do not always show up right away, but they can also help because records are needed by the insurance company and are required for a lawsuit. Always be honest with these though and disclose other injuries that you had before the accident.

Never sign anything without your car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA.

In the following weeks, your insurance company, as well as the company for the other party, will try to settle for a specific amount of money if you agree to not sue in the future. This is tempting, but often the amount is better for the insurance company than it is for you. Contact an Atlanta car accident lawyer and discuss your accident and the proper compensation for your case.

If you have been in an accident, you may be unsure what to do next. Make sure to contact our car accident attorneys at The Weinstein Firm today to discuss your case!

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