Pedestrian on Mercer-University Drive Killed by Hit-and-Run Driver

pedestrian on Mercer-University Drive-killed

A hit-and-run driver killed a pedestrian on Mercer-University Drive near Wellworth Avenue, Bibb County. The accident happened at about 9:02 p.m. on Thursday, May 20th. The circumstances leading to the accident have not been ascertained.

In a press release, the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office said they received a call at the Macon-Bibb 911 Center that a person was on the road in the 3000 block of Mercer-University Drive. The deputies who arrived at the scene found that a vehicle struck the victim, 64-year-old Hilton Lucas.

The sheriff’s office reported that a deputy accidentally struck Lucas during the incident. The Bibb County Coroner’s Office pronounced the man dead and notified the next-of-kin. The investigators noted that witnesses said they saw a dark-colored vehicle leaving the accident scene.

The car allegedly headed west on Mercer-University Drive at a high rate of speed. There is no additional information on the vehicle or the driver after hitting the pedestrian on Mercer-University Drive. The Georgia State Patrol is heading the investigation into the occurrence.

Anyone with information on the occurrence or the involved vehicle should contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office or the state patrol on their listed lines.

When a motor vehicle collides with a pedestrian, it throws the body into the air before landing on the floor. The impact leaves the pedestrian with severe injuries that often result in death. Those who survive have catastrophic injuries that affect the quality of life they lead.

Thus, being a fault state, Georgia law makes provision for crash victims to get compensated for their injuries. When the victim dies, their family and other designated people can file a wrongful death action to get the compensation the victim would have gotten had they lived.

Find out more about the rights of crash victims from our Georgia car accident lawyers.


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