Some car insurance companies will begin to penalize you for having multiple claims within a short time frame, whether you were at fault or not. The process of this is to help dissuade fraudulent claims where people or drivers may stage accidents that appear to paint them as the victim. The result is that the fraudulent claims can go on and on without anyone stopping it unless there are some restrictions in place.
However, most insurance companies will simply up rates and take action against the claimant rather than outright say you can only have so many wrecks in a year. It is possible for people to have multiple claims in a year, or even in a month. Bad luck just happens sometimes, and you shouldn’t be penalized for that. Contact a car accident attorney in Atlanta for help if you believe an insurance company if trying to limit you submitting claims for a car accident.
What If You’re Just Accident Prone?
Genuine accidents happen, and it’s likely that you’re not at fault for all of them unless you’re a really, seriously really bad driver. Now there are people who get on a bad streak too, and the stress of pending claims can make it even more difficult to focus on the road. If you’ve recently had a bad accident, you could be jumpier and passive behind the wheel and unknowingly get yourself worked up and into another wreck.
You can just be accident-prone, and in those situations, it’s likely that you’ll have exceptionally high insurance rates, but no limitation. The three-strikes-you’re-out myth is something that a lot of people believe, and others let them because the idea is that it can help people drive more defensively. When you’re driving with the idea that you can only have three accidents within a given time frame, they are more likely to be diligent in avoiding wrecks. However, sometimes it’s just not reasonable.
Driving in Ways that Promote Accident Awareness
The good news is that defensive driving courses are available, and they’re not for everyone with a court order. A defensive driving class in Atlanta serves to help drivers build safe driving habits to avoid accidents whenever possible and to guide them through building confidence.
As mentioned earlier, a bad crash that left you with injuries and severe property damage can come with a bit of anxiety. Unfortunately, people who are nervous behind the wheel are more likely to get into accidents. Passive driving is not a good thing. When you drive to slow, take too long to change lanes, and so on, you put yourself and other drivers at risk. The solution is a defensive driving class or one-day session to help you build your confidence back up after multiple crashes.
It’s likely that you’re not a bad driver, you’re simply a driver who has been in bad situations. The outcome is that you have a lot of wrecks on your history, but they probably aren’t all your fault. Some courses can even lead to a discount on your insurance premiums.
What If They Refuse to Cover You?
Your car insurance company can choose not to renew your coverage if you’re a high-risk driver. But being a high-risk driver doesn’t just come from collisions. If anything, accidents are a secondary element in deducing your risk. What car insurance companies look for to determine someone as high-risk is accidents and tickets associated with speeding or driving recklessly. Additionally, if you have multiple DUIs, they may drop you or refuse coverage at the time of the wreck for your injuries and damage.
Everything that it comes down to is that if you’re not a high-risk driver, then you probably should worry about your insurance dropping you. The result is that a safe driver with nothing but misfortune can still retain their coverage without worrying that their police will end unexpectedly.
Should You Get a Car Accident Attorney in Atlanta?
If you are genuinely accident-prone, or in a bit of a bad luck streak, then you should contact a car accident attorney. Your car insurance company may be essentially fed up with constant accidents. That doesn’t mean that every wreck was your fault, and if this last one wasn’t, then you need someone to take charge of your claim.
At The Weinstein Firm, we don’t care how many accidents you’ve had in the past. As long as you’re the victim of this wreck and it’s not a fraudulent claim, we’re happy to help you resolve this wreck and your claim. We’re the injury attorneys in Atlanta, GA, that will fight for you to get the full compensation that you deserve.