How to Drive Safely Near Bicyclists

bike accidents

As we have all learned to enjoy more time outdoors, it’s expected to see more bicyclists out.  You may have even busted out your old bike to have a few rides around the block, but how can you drive safely around the people who use major roadways, or highly trafficked areas as part of their normal bike routes? There are ways to drive safely near bicyclists so as to avoid bicycle accidents and there are some safety expectations for people who ride bikes as well.

Here we will quickly cover exactly what you should do around bicyclists, what you should expect bicyclists to do for your safety and theirs, and how to look out for potential accidents involving bicycles. One of the biggest issues that drivers cover is that the presence of a bicyclist May Scare or make another driver uneasy and ultimately cause an accident.

Know How to Share the Road

Three feet of space is what a bicyclist needs. But, the issue with providing bicyclists with three feet of space is that if people park on the road, that three feet of space may feel like the entire width of the lane. If there are parked vehicles, the bicyclist, and then you, you might feel like you have no space in your lane at all.

 Many people choose to pass a bicyclist when it feels as though they don’t have enough Lane space to drive safely. This is not a bad decision, but you should always wait until traffic in the lane to your left is completely clear. Even if that means driving below the speed limit to give the bicyclist a decent amount of space, it’s better to be safe than to unintentionally caused an accident.

 What most people forget with bicyclists is that they are extremely unprotected. Unlike motorcyclists that wear thick jackets, as well as hand and feet protection to guard against road rash, bicyclists usually wear a helmet and general sports gear.

Know What Bicyclists Should Do on the Street

Most drivers er on the side of caution and give bicyclists complete freedom or unquestioned right-of-way. There are bicycle safety rules, and anyone riding a bike must adhere to all basic rules of the road. Bicyclists must stop for stop signs. They must follow the traffic signs and traffic lights. They’re also expected to go with the flow of traffic, use turn lanes, and acknowledge their turning with arm signals.

 Additionally, bicyclists should never block traffic in a travel lane, and they should use lights if they’re in dim light or bad weather. The biggest element that comes up during car crash resolution that involves bicyclists has the right-of-way. Bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to cars and other bikers when they’re entering a roadway. They cannot zoom onto a street and take vehicle drivers by surprise. 

Extra Safety Steps

The common situation involving bicyclists and standard vehicle drivers is drivers hitting bicyclists when making a right turn. Just as with motorcycles, mopeds, and even e-scooters, most drivers are “bike blind.”  That means that when you check your blind spot, your brain is checking for vehicles, not pedestrians, not bicyclists, and not motorcyclists. Doing that second check for a right turn tells your brain to look again.

If you feel that there is an impending accident because of a nearby bicyclist, get some distance between you and the other vehicle. If you see the other vehicle is writing into your lane, then slow down or modify your speed to reduce the likelihood of impact with that car.  If you notice that the vehicle is coming into your lane, and traveling in the opposite direction, then consider changing lanes or pulling to the side of the road if that driver seems intent on passing and has little concern for your safety.

Finding Support for Associated Accidents with an Auto Accident Attorney in Atlanta

 If you’re a crash involved a bicyclist at all, contact an attorney. You may have trouble understanding fault, and how the elements of a bicyclist can impact your claim. You could even be a victim of a crash caused by a bicyclist making a driver on easy. These situations are never clear cut. Take the initiative and bring your evidence, and your explanation of the crash, to The Weinstein firm.

With the Weinstein firm, you’ll have a whole host of Atlanta car accident attorneys who have a wealth of experience in handling accidents involving vehicles and people nervous from driving right bicyclists.  Don’t hesitate, call us today and find out what options do you have for your craft resolution.

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