Distracted Driving Accidents in Carrollton

distracted driving accidents are very frequent in our state

Our lifestyles are extremely busy. We hurry to work or to pick up the children from school. And we try to multitask in order to save time. However, when you are behind the wheel, driving should be the only thing you focus on. Unfortunately, as a Carrollton car accident lawyer at The Weinstein Firm knows, many drivers cause distracted driving accidents because they try to multitask.

Since this is the most common cause of crashes, we will discuss this topic in detail in this article.

Why Is Distracted Driving Dangerous?

When you drive on the road, your sight, hearing and reflexes must be focused on keeping the car in your lane and avoiding collisions with other cars. Even in fairly light traffic conditions, you still have to be careful. However, during the rush hour, you have cars in front, at the back and on both sides of your vehicle.

Just one moment of not paying attention can result in losing control over your vehicle and causing a crash. For instance, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that it takes 5 seconds to send a text message. Taking your eyes off the road at a speed of 55 mph to do this equals driving the length of a football field blindfolded.

Statistics Concerning Distracted Driving Accidents in Georgia

To better understand how dangerous distracted driving really is, let us share a few statistical data compiled by the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. According to a recent report, more than half (54%) of all motor vehicle accidents in our state involved a distracted driver.

Moreover, 29% of all distracted driving accidents resulted in serious injury to one person. Over the course of one year, 56 people lost their lives in a crash caused by a distracted driver in Georgia.

Also, the report found that during the weekdays there are more distracted driving crashes (17.6%) compared to the weekend (11.6%).

texting and driving is both illegal and dagerous

The Most Common Causes of Distracted Driving Accidents

An experienced Carrollton car accident lawyer knows, both from direct experience and from statistical data, that the number one cause of distracted driving crashes is using a mobile phone. These devices are now part of our daily lives, and we rely on them for many tasks, such as browsing the internet, navigating in unfamiliar areas, listening to music and communicating through text messages.

However, using the mobile phone while driving is a major form of distraction as it takes eyes, hands and mental focus off the road. The list of common causes of distracted driving crashes continues with:

  • Eating and drinking behind the wheel
  • Adjusting music or using the entertainment system
  • Engaging in conversations with passengers
  • Reaching for objects in the glove compartment
  • Applying makeup or grooming

Important Steps to Take after an Accident Caused by a Distracted Driver

In Georgia, accident victims have the right to seek damages if they can prove the other driver’s fault. Under the comparative negligence principle applicable in our state, you have to be less than 50% at fault in order to have the right to file an accident claim.

It is essential to be able to prove the other driver’s negligence. One of the most reliable types of evidence is the accident report prepared by the police officers who arrive to investigate the crash.

You should also act quickly and start taking photos of the crash scene immediately after the accident. You may be able to capture an image with the driver holding a mobile phone or other item, which would prove that they were distracted behind the wheel.

Finally, do not forget to seek medical attention as soon as possible after the accident and consult with an attorney before filing the claim or talking to an insurance adjuster.

Rely on an Experienced Carrollton Car Accident Lawyer at The Weinstein Firm!

The Weinstein Firm is the advocate you need if you want to obtain fair compensation for your damages. We have handled hundreds of cases like yours and know exactly what to look for in order to prove fault in a distracted driving accident.

A Carrollton car accident lawyer at our firm will evaluate your evidence carefully and, if you have a strong case, represent you on a contingency fee basis. Moreover, we offer each new client a free initial consultation, so contact us at 770-HELP-NOW!

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