Cobb County Juvenile Court

Cobb County Juvenile Court is an independent juvenile court organized under Chapter 11 of Title 15 of the Official Code of Georgia.


The mission of the Cobb County Juvenile Court is to ensure that children, families, and the community are protected in civil and delinquency matters brought before the Court.

Children and families are provided guidance and services that will be conducive to rehabilitating, strengthening, and restoring them to become productive members of society.

The Court strives to meet this mission by utilizing resources within the community that promote accountability, provide positive alternatives, and reunify families when in the best interest of the child.

The Criminal Division

The Criminal Division of Cobb County Juvenile Court oversees the prosecution of unruly conduct, delinquency, or traffic offenses, committed by children under the age of seventeen in Cobb County.

A case is initiated in Juvenile Court when the Solicitor General accuses a minor of a criminal or traffic offense by filing a document with the Clerk’s Office. A criminal case can be initiated for a variety of offenses, to include:

  • Driving Under the Influence
  • Theft
  • Violent Crimes
  • Traffic Infractions
  • Ordinance Violations

Traffic Citations

The Traffic Violations Bureau processes traffic citations issued by law enforcement officers around Cobb County. Citations are processed and made available online within 2-3 weeks of the scheduled court date.


Each of the four judges who staff the bench is elected to four-year terms of office.

  • Chief Judge Jeffrey D. Hamby
  • Judge Wayne E. Grannis
  • Judge Amber N. Patterson
  • Judge Kareem West

Location & Contact Information

32 Waddell Street, 5th & 6th Floor
Marietta, GA 30090

Phone: 770-528-2220


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