Occupied driving is getting even more an issue each year in Georgia. Individuals are fixated on their telephones and cell phones. In a new survey, more than 80% of all drivers confessed to messaging and driving in any event once every week. In the event that we did a survey of occupied driving, this number would go up much higher.
A few group feel that single direction to eliminate occupied driving is to wear earphones. You can pay attention to a book recording. You can have a discussion on your telephone without having to really hang on. It eliminates messaging and driving. The inquiry is: is it legitimate to wear earphones while driving in Georgia?
Fortunately it is actually lawful to wear earbuds while driving in Georgia. Be that as it may, it is illegal to wear real earphones.
Another law was passed in Georgia last year called the “Hands-Free Phone Law.” This law makes it illicit for anybody to talk or text on a PDA while driving.
The new law endorses the utilization of headphones – to a degree. Be that as it may, it doesn’t support the utilization of earphones. On the off chance that you’ve been refered to for occupied driving for wearing earphones while driving, you may have a protection. You need to converse with an Powder Springs car accident lawyer to know without a doubt.
Powder Springs Auto Accident Lawyers Are Familiar With The New Law
Georgia officials had been looking at passing a stricter phone law for a long while. At the point when they at last passed it last June, it was nothing unexpected to Powder Springs car accident lawyers. A few areas chose to begin composing tickets immediately. Others allowed a 30-day time frame where they’d issue alerts rather than tickets.
Today, the law is in full power. Anybody found driving while at the same time utilizing a cell or some other handheld gadget are dependent upon a ticket. The ticket carries reformist punishments as follows:
- 1st offense is as $50 fine and 1 point on your permit
- 2nd offense is $100 fine and 2 focuses
- 3rd and ensuing offenses are $150 fine and 3 focuses on your permit
As you can envision, these punishments add up. Each time you get a point on your permit, you pay overcharges. Your protection can go up also.
The law is intended to eliminate all interruptions brought about by telephone and gadgets.
Will Your Powder Springs Auto Accident Lawyer Get Your Ticket Dismissed?
Recall that we said before that headphones are actually allowed under the law? That is on the grounds that you can just utilize them for specific things. The law permits you to chat on the telephone utilizing a Bluetooth gadget or earphones. In any case, that is it.
The new law doesn’t make earphones lawful while driving. Indeed, it’s been illicit to drive while wearing earphones for quite a long time. The new law never really change that. Earphone just make an over the top interruption to be viewed as protected.
In case you’re wearing earphones, it’s incomprehensible for you to hear what’s happening around you. You will not have the option to hear different drivers who sound their horns. You will not hear alarms or crisis vehicles. They basically make an over the top interruption.
In case you’re discovered wearing earphones, you’ll be dependent upon similar punishments laid out above. It’ll be practically outlandish for your Powder Springs car accident attorney to get the investigator to excuse a ticket in case you’re discovered wearing earphones while driving.
Are There Any Exceptions To The Rule?
The new law gives thin special cases for utilizing your telephones and handheld gadgets while driving. Your Powder Springs car accident lawyer might actually request to have these exemptions stretch out to the utilization of earphones too. Be that as it may, the exemptions are quite certain. There are restricted circumstances in which they apply:
- Announcing a crash, health related crisis or fire
- Representatives of a service organization who are on the job
- Specialists on call, for example, cop and EMT
- In a legitimately left vehicle
As you can envision, there are not many circumstances in which these exemptions apply. Except if you fill in as a person on call, the chances of you fitting the bill for this special case are practically nothing.
Call An Powder Springs Auto Accident Attorney If You Have Any Questions
On the off chance that you have inquiries concerning the law in Georgia, you should connect with an accomplished Powder Springs injury lawyer. These legal counselors at The Weinstein Firm handle cases constantly where the other driver was blameworthy of occupied driving at the hour of their accident.
The law is getting serious about diverted driving. In case you’re ever uncertain about if something is legitimate, decide in favor alert. It will set aside you cash and migraines as it were.